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Edited by ForUnanimity: 6/17/2015 6:39:55 PM

HEADSHOT! (Installment 01)

[b]Vexians[/b]! Welcome to our first installment of [b][u]Headshot[/u][/b]! Where we take a dive into the minds of some of the clan members here in [i]VexualFantasy[/i]! This week we have our barrels aimed at [b]Batman[/b], [b]Fireman[/b], and [b]Flame[/b], let's get right in. [u]PSN's [/u]are [b]Im__The_Batman_[/b] and [b]THEFIREMAN26G [/b]and [b]FlameWolf4714[/b] [b][u]VF: So what time zone are you guys in?[/u][/b] [b]Batman & Fireman[/b]: Central [b]Flame[/b]: Pacific [b][u]VF: IF you had to give yourself a brief intro, what would you say?[/u][/b] [b]Flame[/b]: I like to win. [b]Batman[/b]: I'm 19, recently graduated college and respect anyone that respects me and i like helping people. [b]VF[/b]: What about you Fireman? [b]Fireman[/b]: I already have [b]VF[/b]: LOL [b][u]VF: Do you have any hobbies outside of Destiny?[/u][/b] [b]Batman[/b]: Playing other types of games as well as outdoor activities. [b]Fireman[/b]: Sports, Movies, School :( [b]VF[/b]: LOL, digging how school is a hobby with a sad face. [b]Flame[/b]: Winning. [b]VF[/b]: Short and to the point, i like it. [b][u]VF: Quick, fav food???[/u][/b] [b]Flame[/b]: Mexican [b]Batman[/b]: TACOS! [b]Fireman[/b]: Pizza [b]VF[/b]: I have to agree with all three. [b][u]VF: Aside from Destiny, what other game would you be playing right now?[/u][/b] [b]Fireman[/b]: COD Black Ops 2/Mortal Kombat X [b]Flame[/b]: Last of Us any day, and MKX [b]Batman[/b]: Bloodbourne and Battlefield Hardline [b]VF[/b]: Nice choices. All great games! [b][u]VF: Any advice for new-comers to Destiny?[/u][/b] [b]Batman[/b]: Play your best, don't get mad. It's frustrating but you'll manage through it. [b]Fireman[/b]: Run with a squad, it makes the experience so much easier and fun. [b]VF[/b]: SQUADDDDDDD [b]Flame[/b]: Find someone to carry you, like a mentor. Try to learn quick and emulate them. [b]VF[/b]: Great advice guys. [b][u]VF: Quick! Crucible, Raids, or Strikes? and Titan, Hunter or Warlock? GO![/u][/b] [b]Flame[/b]: Crucible and Hunter [b]Fireman[/b]: Raids and Hunter [b]Batman[/b]: Raids and Titan [b]VF[/b]: There you go, if you need a Hunter for raids or crucible, reach out to Flame and Fireman, if you need a titan for raids, Batman is your man. [b][u]VF: Thanks for your time, what do you hope to see from the clan, VexualFantasy in the future?[/u][/b] [b]Batman[/b]: I'd like to see for our clan to expand with new exciting fun members. Also more communication along the clan so no one gets left behind on needing help. [b]VF[/b]: I agree! Communication with everyone is crucial for helping an fun, what about you Flame? [b]Flame[/b]: I'm pretty happy with the results of the clan. Hope to find easy match making and continue having a great time. [b]VF[/b]: I think as everyone grows closer the easier matchmaking will be, we have that at the top of our list. And Fireman? [b]Fireman[/b]: Well to be honest, since day 1 with you guys i have had no problems with anything. Like playing raids, crucible, or anything else. You guys have ben there for me to assist me. I simply go to the thread and post what i need help with and people come and help. It's like a family to me, and i love you guys. [b]VF[/b]: *Tear* we love you to Fireman. [b]Thank you all for your time and letting us dig around your brain for a bit[/b]. Well you [i]vexy guardians[/i], until the next installment of [b]Headshot[/b], take care and [b]stay vexy[/b].

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