I though that bungie said that we would not match the same people after a match. This has happened 4 times. Pantheon, widows court, caldren, and burning shrine. It is either bungie removes the loss or they fix this issue. The enemy team did not leave, we lost and went to orbit and but us back with the same people. The last word should not one shot you BUNGIE.
I think it needs to be a ranked system. You get put with teammates around your skill level, and play against enemies around your skill level. Only time I went flawless was when I was with a group of random people off LFG, which might as well just be matchmaking, since I don't have a set group to run with. People may not get a great group sometimes, maybe someone left or wasn't very good, and that could be an issue, but the same thing goes for LFG. I've had some really good and really bad players come from the forums, and I've played with some really good and really bad players in matchmaking activities, and I'd say the same has probably happened for everyone else. If we can all complete all of these activities with people we didn't even know existed before that activity, I don't see why optional matchmaking can't be in every end-game activity.