Gotta respectfully disagree.
A large number of people play destiny and only a small percentage of that group make it to the lighthouse.
Don't know the exact numbers but yes, they're special.
Also breakthrough*
You can disagree all you want but ToO is the equivalent of a professional sports team who can face off agaist peewee teams or there equals. Something tells me no one would watch a American football game of the Patriots vs 9 random teams, hopefully including a few other NFL teams. Then when they lucked out and stomped all the high school teams, we should call them champs. It's a bloody joke unless winners face winners. As for your point most Destiny players have not hit the light house hence there for they are special... Most people don't have Ebola, most people don't have first edition comics, most people have not won the lotto. Rarity does not intrinsically imply worth. Being really good at Destiny is quite frankly a useless life skill that has no value beyond just being fun. It's great for you and it's diffently enjoyable, just have no delusions of its true value. Finally nit picking typos. Good for you pointing that sir/madam I am sure you will never in the rest of your days make a mistake on the Internet ;-)
I just know the difference between through and threw.
Your amazing failure to make a point, and to just grammatically nitpick for a second time speaks volume about your intellectual capacity. All done wasting time responding to troll. /mute
He mad tho