If the DoT is what makes Thorn OP - people who shoot twice then hide and let the DoT kill you.
[b]Then if someone 3 shots you with Thorn and doesn't rely on the DoT does that still make them bad or "using a crutch"?[/b]
Relying on the DoT = Scrub
Not Relying on the DoT = Skill???
Yes because your using a thorn in the first place
If you use THORN PERIOD! Your a scrub... Shoot someone and run to get a kill lol that's laughable...
I only rely on the DoT if they run off and I can't hit them again. Otherwise I shoot until they die.
"gun skill" lawl
Shoot them till they die.
To me scrub means camping all the time. I'm 33 and can't keep up with all the lingo games come up with. Iv played snipers for so long heads shots are always my priority. I will admit if I do see 2 shots kill him I will stop and shoot the next target. Destiny is to inconsistent in pvp in my opinion to say which guns are crutches. Iv been 1 shot from many questionable shots including thorn. Also many weapons in that boat to. Everyone wants a nerf or boost for some odd reason. Yes some do need a boost but also look at were they finish in the end. To me thorn has a perk that sucks on the receiving end but it can be beat and can be beat consistently if you play smart and take it in to accountability.
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Or to kill them faster.
I make sure they are dead. 3 headshots all the way
I shoot until there dead, used to rely on DoT but it doesnt always finish them, or i would end up getting an assist, so i just finish them now unless they get me first then i get two clean headshots and im about to do ill be a scrub and run away :)
When I use it I shoot it until the persons dead