Say, Bungie...? Did auto rifles really need to be made useless? I've taken note of some of the damage outputs I've seen recently, and it's pretty bad. Let's review:
When battling Skolas this week (Solar Burn), I took out my 365 Abyss Defiant and my 300 (at the time) Visions of Confluence. I compared the damage/hit and the difference was pretty staggering. Abyss Defiant was doing somewhere in the neighborhood of 350-380/hit. Somewhat respectable, even considering the solar burn effect was active. However, Visions of Confluence, which at the time was 65 points weaker, was dishing out a whopping 580+/hit.
Just now, when running my 33 Titan through the Daily Heroic Mission, Hard Light, albeit ascended (but not fully upgraded), was only dishing about 80 or 90 damage per hit and 100-something on crits...TO ENEMIES THAT WERE LEVEL 17 ON MY WAY INTO THE MISSION AREA! I promptly switched off of Hard Light and decided to level it solely through bounty turn-ins.
This is unacceptable. I can understand the reasons for a slight nerfing, but it would seem that Bungie over-corrected...again. Please fix auto rifles. Up until the nerfing patch, ARs were my go-to. I've always been an AR user, even back with CoDMW2. Well, ARs and LMGs. But I digress. ARs should not be doling out less damage than a side arm. This is not right. And, it should be rectified as soon as possible.
I'm not one to follow twitter feeds, because I don't use my ancient twitter account, which was only created to enter a contest. So, I admit it's entirely possible this has already been addressed publicly by Bungie and I missed it. If it has, please accept my apologies for my ignorance.
This is to address Anidien the mentor's comment about auto rifles This wrong. Every auto rifle has a slower TTK in crucible than most other weapons. In PvE it takes almost 1/5 of a magazine to kill most tier 1 enemies when with my fatebringer it is 1/13 of a magazine. Auto rifles are completely outmatched my any other weapon in PVE and pvp. Auto rifles don't do enough damage no matter which one you are using whether in PVE or PVP. How about you guys show us another post of weapon usage statistics or are you too embarrassed. I bet auto rifles are used as much as pulse rifles the last time that you showed us the weapon usage statistics. I bet auto rifles are now the least used type of weapon in PVE and PVP by now. They are simply outclassed in every way by any other type of primary weapon