Challenge to Trials experts, if you go 9-0 this weekend after you're done with your trip to the lighthouse run a 0-3 card just to help people out. You'll get loads of messages of thanks and there's no massive need for you to get another flawless run. Last week I had a team who played hide and seek against us when we found them we got a free kill. Was equally as fun as some of the best competitive matches I've played.
EDIT: image attached to show I have SMOGGYPLUTO'S blessing.
Also instead of just gifting people the win why not post flawless, play three games of hide and seek.
Shut up
Edited by Disloyal: 6/11/2015 12:20:22 PMIv been flawless 19 times now (average pvp player), and that hide and seek thing, sounds very fun hahaha 3 hunters going invisible. :P But handing out free wins? Maybe I'll give them the first 3 rounds, then really start trying.
Thats pretty cool man props
....I'm totally playing hide and seek elimination.
There is going to be a " Mercia " shader in the game. You just needed to do the least american think to get it. Donate money to a good cause
Amazing idea. I'll be messaging that to them before the match.
This is just wrong... man people are so pathetic... wow
That sounds -blam!-ing stupid........ Totally going to do it anyways XD.
don't you worry i'll be handing out a lot of free wins on my trial cards
So I should play the game to not play the game and just let someone kill me? Are people that thirsty and desperate for wins?
...that's actually a great idea.
I would do that, but since ive only ever gone 7-3 at best i have to win games and become better
Edited by VyersReaver: 6/11/2015 11:51:04 AMPff, those scrubs now want a free pass, lel. I am going to hold to my Mercy buff until the end of times.
Ah. The toxicity of these forums
Victory is earned guardian, if I encounter you, you will get no sympathy from me.
Thread fills me with a little hope that maybe the PVP elite do have them same desire to help others as the PVE elite did back in the day. I was carried to Atheon by guys willing to help others, and even those guys hadn't figured out how to kill him on their own. The had watched, learned from and copied the true vanguard who had figured it out for themselves. Making it to the lighthouse doesn't make you good, I'm proof of that. I play trials for fun because I enjoy it even though I'm losing badly. Too many who've completed flawless think git gud is a compulsory answer to any post on the trials. Well if all the scrubs like me stopped playing it, a good number would find getting there much more difficult in the future. Maybe even find out that they're level 2 scrubs themselves :-). Good post dude, even if it won't fly.
You have 3 titans. FAIL
Two big problems with this. 1. It allows scrub teams who arent worthy to help get rewards they arent entitled to. 2. It will lower their K/D and they will simply not want that to be damaged in any way as its their whole basis to try and prove how good they are.
I've actually done this before......but have never gone 9-0
Nah not ruining my trials KD
Lol there's no way I'm doing that. The best part in trials is stopping kids going flawless, the amount of bad kids that have been already is pretty shocking.
Edited by Ereaser: 6/11/2015 11:36:45 AMWell...... no. Personally I'm too competitive minded to take a loss :p
Edited by SmokeyLahey: 6/11/2015 11:29:31 AMThis is honestly one of the stupidest things i have ever read on the forums... [spoiler] ...I'm on the forums daily [/spoiler]
That's the kind a thing i do when I have finished everything for the week