If we look into the Grimoire of Destiny, we see that Gjallarhorn was made of the armor of dead guardians at the Twilight Gap. But what are these armor pieces?
Any other guesses? Here are a few things that might help you figure out your selection.
- No Weapons
- Armor with specific characteristics that can be found on Gjallarhorn.
- These are probably exotic
- Pre-DLC? (Maybe)
My personal guess would include the Crest of Alpha Lupi (Hunter Chestpiece) for the Wolf head strongly resembles that of Gjallarhorn.
This post was made for fun, and take the community away from the complaints and such.
A special magically enhanced alloy that is designed to make it very hard to obtain. Attracted to guardians in their first 100 hours of playtime. Designed and drawn to itself so most poor guardians with one spend a large portion of their days breaking down the flood of them. Disgusted by Guardians who chose to not find them early on and avoid them at all costs.
DEEZ nutz
Every Gjallarhorn is made out of other Gjallarhorns, which is why they're so hard to find.
The armor was melted into metal and then made I tot he gun..
The tears of the guardians who don't have it.
Plasteel plating and the warlock things and it's insides are made of their dyeing light but every shot brings the light closer to coming back.
Gjallar, duh.
sugar and spice and everything nice.
Creat of Alpha Lupis.