None. Rapping is the lowest form of 'music' there is .
No matter who it is rapping, you can only understand or make out about 1 word in every verse.
[quote]None. Rapping is the lowest form of 'music' there is . No matter who it is rapping, you can only understand or make out about 1 word in every verse.[/quote] Words of a some white trash living in his suburban home. You probably sit down when you pee
I do sometimes. Usually the first one in a morning
Do you have any insults that you haven't used multiple times?
I'm not lying. I learned more from hip hop than school. I'm not talking garbage bullshit rap. Hip hop.
Well I have an easier time hearing words in rap than in genres with screamed vocals so does that mean they're even worse?
Heavy/death metal is up there too
Oh please... Dubstep is so low on the "music" scale it's basically just noise. Even rap is better
I'll tell you what.... I'll give you that . That stuff is so bad I'd forgotten about it
I wish I could, people where I work love that shit. They may need drug tested
Sorry about that lol
Obviously you don't listen to any good rappers. Rap is a linguistic art form. Immortal technique, hopsin and a few others would be my personal favs at the moment.
Ehh Hopsin is ok SOMETIMES, even occasionally great, and I don't really like perpetuating hate, BUT... that corn doe.
The only one I could make out some words was Eminem when he was about. The rest Meh