Watch the entire video and consider all points being made.
Quite a few of my fellow guardians (myself included) completely agree with everything said in this video.
Consider re-buffing auto rifles and give an all-round buff to everything else, these select few exotics should not make up the entirety of the crucible.
Bungie's problem is that they buff the bad things at the same time they nerf the good, so they just swap places. That being said, if you were to buff everything to be able to compete with the highest hitting guns, suddenly everytime has a tiny time to kill and everybodies just running around like it's Call of Duty or something. No real gun fights, just running around making sure you hit people before they hit you. There's no doubt that things like Autos need a buff in Crucible, but that doesn't mean that specific guns don't need a mild nerf either. I'm not talking bungie's whole nerf to obscurity policy, just a tiny nerf. For Thorn specifically, all I would do is slightly reduce the damage of the DoT so it's not a 2 headshot kill. No need to touch any of the stats, no reducing any of the range or any other nonsense.