That's what he gets for trying to break Recon's CoC
Nobody cares.
Lmao finally someone taught that jackass some manners
DeeJ has fun deleting posts in Offtopic.
Part of me would be inclined that he banned it himself because he was fed up with trying to wake people up to issues. I'd ban my selfie thread to kill it.!
This is sweeter than cherries
His fedora could not save him.
Could I have a link to his profile and/or the vaccination thread?
If anyone was wondering which one it was the one about the people not getting vaccines.
Pics or it didn't happen.
which one?
Thank gandalf it's done
It was probably the pegboi
What? How did [i]that[/i] break the CoC?
if a Ninja bans his own thread, doesn't that make it Seppuku? I'm glad. I personally don't think someone with authority should make such edgy posts (that's our thing). the natural order is; we make edgy threads, Ninja's ban them. a Ninja should not use his Banhammer to crush the opinions of the innocent.
did he report himself?
I feel like the voice over from the end of WoT games would be appropriate here [quote]Victory is ours![/quote]
His thread is still there though.
I noticed. You know that moderation's bad when the mods are banning each other.
Well then. I agreed with him on that point but what did he do in the first place that makes everyone so happy?
These ninjas ain't loyal.
"7, say again Op hammer drop is a go, repeat Op hammer drop is a go."