So we just got to Skolas and for the last three attempts we book it to the left side and pop a bubble by the servitor. Apparently now he can shoot through the bubble as he killed all three of us while we were inside the bubble. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and if connection has anything to do with it?
Its been happening for a while now, ever since the patch came out to fix the relic shield @atheon when you would no longer take splash damage, you now take splash damage inside the titan bubble
Hello, Super Could you provide a video of this happening?
Has happened to us every run with a titan among us. His shot either goes right through the bubble or its splash damage kills through the bubble.
He did the same me and my team mates.
Happened to me today as well . Got hit once then I stayed in the bubble and then was killed . Happened to only me
Is there a spot open for me I'm a self res warlock with maxed gally
The tank in the nightfall did this to me on Tuesday. Put the bubble up, stood inside for a few seconds, tank then targetted me with main cannon... boom... dead. Dumb.
Yea it happens all the time i figured bungie put it this was but i guess they have no idea about this
What i saw happen last night when my team died while in the bubble was that skolas had already landed a round where we stood before the bubble went up. Just like any other scorch cannon they can stick to surfaces for a short period of time then blow up and this is what happened to us a few times.
Happened to me tonight way to often, it seems if the angle of his shot skims along the surface of the platform it just goes straight through the bubble, as if the bubble isn't even there....seemed to be 2 out of 3 shots would sail right on through, unfortunately just catching whichever titan, (including myself) and vaporizing us....
Yeah my mate just got killed twice stood next to me in a titan bubble on the tanks nightfall, I literally watched him go down and he was 100% inside the bubble.
It's happend to me a couple times I think it's just the scorch cannon explosion