So me and two friends of mine are running the 35 PoE. We aren't crappy players. We know how to run raids, we've gone flawless three weeks in a row on ToO. We know teamwork and tactics hands down. The problem is, it's virtually impossible to take Skolas down without a titan bubble. We have one hunter and two warlocks, so we don't get that boost from Weapons of Light. Then we eventually have all the adds (extra mobs), and the taint from Skolas, and ON TOP OF THAT the splinter mines. It makes it impossible to be able to do damage since we have to constantly switch the taint between each other, try to grab splinter mines where there is just NO WAY of avoiding being hit (especially the one in the middle), and kill the adds. It's unfair how having one different class in there can make them drop him within 30 seconds or so. We're doing everything right, but we don't have a titan. You all (Bungie) just keep screwing up with allowing a cheese for every boss you've made so far. You need to fix something.
Bubble is really only there for extra damage (and blinding shanks that spawn behind you with helm of saint if you intend for max damage). Stun locking Skolas with snipers is easy for the most part. I only really scream for a titan bubble during arc burn.