If someone else has had more or equal to the number I get in this video with any single golden gun, please let me know (and provide proof). Someone has had 7 with a single FoH (due to the stupidest self res warlock ever) check that out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVBVHx952Sc [spoiler]In case you couldn't count how many I got, it was 7. [/spoiler]
This clip was from my montage: Earthshaker, check that out here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gacjJV5xmVA
If you like what you saw, I recommend you check out my other montages too!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcJHLqiHPEY - This is a NLB montage
My friend got 7 as well with 1 FoH, the initial 6 and then a sunsinger self rezzed and died in the aftershock. He also managed to do it with a nova bomb. Both were in iron banner this week.