Thank god i dont have to participate in reset day tomorrow because ill be busy in Tamriel.
I've been tempted all week to get my digital pre-order in but I kind of want to see how the community likes it for the first few weeks...I don't want to get it right now and have a few hundred people playing in a few weeks than struggle to find people for endgame activities. I played the PC beta for it a while back and had a good time with it, I hope it does well on consoles.
Mines almost done downloading.
I used to be an adventurer like u until I took an arrow to the knee
Got mine pre-ordered, will pick up tomorrow.
Been waiting for two years now. I don't know if it will suck or not, at least the waiting is almost over.
Can't wait
If get it but I'm a little short on money, still excited for when I get it. Already have 7 other ppl getting it for the ps4 so that'll be fun
I'm waiting to see reviews and read what the community thinks. I'm skeptical of this game.
Hells yea! No more destifail
Got mine downloaded ready to go. Half day at work, check. Off the next day, check. Here's to hoping it's a smooth launch and we're all playing as intended on Tuesday
It's been pre ordered for a year now, the anticipation is killing me. I can't wait to smash some elves heads in with a mace. #nordmasterrace
Can't wait till I can continue crafting armor and weapons. Best thing about skyrim
Finally! I've had the pre order since it was available!
Is there a subscription fee? Or is it buy the game and have unlimited access?
Totally stoked for ESO. Been playing TES games since Morrowind. Always been a fan of the stealthier classes/builds.
Oh sweet
great. can't wait to see all the Fallout 4 threads being replaced with "ESO SUCKS" threads.....
No it come out at 11 tonight for me
PSN SkuifSpeld see you there
I'm debating whether to get it or not I don't want a CD I think I'll just download it
Im hyped but i cant get it until Friday :(