If you are going to temporarily ban people for backing out of a game why post this....
Just found this a little while ago. Also, exploiting the game is not backing out of a game. You should see Bungie giving this guy a parade. https://www.bungie.net/pubassets/39472/surfsup.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tGjtuPi.gifv https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=12990 Tell me now, is this not an exploit? In-fact it looks like a cheeze to me. Yet they award him with it being on their weekly update honorable mention.
Oh I see. However, that is a respawnable character in a situation that could rarely happen. You couldn't do that over and over, and even if you did, what benefit would it be to you and others? Backing out of matches to target weaker players is wrong. I don't have the time to invest in pvp, so I just don't play it. I don't have thorn, or other exotics that requires crucible, because I don't have time to do them. Maybe I will someday, but until then when I can do it fairly, I just suck it up and keep playing.