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Edited by irishfreak: 8/9/2015 9:02:32 PM

People Who Stream For Money Are Ruining The Gaming Community

If you stream for money shame on you. Gaming should be a hobby not a job. You people begging for money make me sick. I don't know what's worse the people streaming for money or the idiots who donate to them? While you're sitting on your ass fighting aliens you have little kids fighting cancer. Shame on you...
#Vomit #Deejnuts

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  • [quote]While you're sitting on your ass fighting aliens you have little kids fighting cancer. Shame on you...[/quote] You're sitting on the forums replying to tons of posts, while little kids are fighting cancer. Shame on you...

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  • I think of a job as making a living off of doing something. You could look at it as a service to the one watching the video/stream.

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  • That's your opinion. It's a service, and people should get paid for services. Its the same thing for people on YouTube.

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  • 1
    Streamers do hold charity events.

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  • Streaming actually makes gaming more relevant and they are making money doing what they love. A question for you though? How are streamers and content creators different from baseball players, comedians, actors, etc. None provide a service other than entertainment. We pay for entertainment everyday via cable or watching a live sporting event. No less "sad" and for the record I enjoy watching and learning strategy and technique. Don't judge that which you do not know.

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  • Some streamers have to provide for their families. Like a few weeks ago King Gothalion had to pay for his wife who got in a car accident, his youngest kid to have artery surgery and had to buy antibiotics to help with a stomach problem. And goths a really nice guy too, always thanks his fans for watching.

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    33 Replies
    • OP is swimming in some serious jelly. And not the good kind, this jelly is salty AF.

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    • I would never donate to one or watch one consistently, but other people seem to really enjoy it. If they enjoy it, why not pay for it? Should musicians just play music for fun?

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    • What the problem? It's a form of entertainment. Ppl pay to be entertained.

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      2 Replies
      • -blam!- off with that thinking, if they get paid doing what they love, then why would you have a problem with that? Also, tell me one streamer that begs for donates.

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      • Edited by Kryptic Jokes: 8/6/2015 11:33:43 PM
        If they can stream and make a living on it good for them. While you are at it you can rant about actors getting paid for acting, artists getting paid for painting or drawing, and athletes getting paid for playing sports.

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      • Supply/ Demand. That's all it is

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        2 Replies
        • Who cares who they make their money? Instead of bitching about what people do, why dont you volunteer and help out kids with cancer?

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          3 Replies
          • Does it really matter? If you dont like it dont watch it? If they enjoy playing games and people are stupid enough to give them money then thats their fault. It doesnt affect you at all.

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          • Have you never seen any stream ever half of the are streams for cancer the dads of destiny did a stream for cystic fibrosis. All the money went to the finding treatments you idiotic sack of potatoes.

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            10 Replies
            • The people that give them money are far more to blame than the ones streaming. You can't blame someone for taking money to play games if people are willing to give it to them. But you can blame people for giving money to no-life neckbearded hipsters on YouTube to play games. If people want to give money away, I'm sure there are literally thousands of charities doing more good with donations than -blam!-ing Datto and his lazy eye.

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            • -blam!- those kids fighting cancer

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              3 Replies
              • I have watch many streams... NEVER have I heard any player begging for money.. You need to chill out little one...

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                14 Replies
                • Bible thump

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                • Gta respect their hustle

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                • Wow, you're an idiot.

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                  11 Replies
                  • It takes up more time than you might think the equipment is expensive and they have to always be up to date with every thing to make sure they can provide a good source of info and yea it and is it wrong to make your hobby a job I'd rather do that that something I hate all day this actually means something to them the have passion and drive. So tell me exactly why that is wrong ?

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                  • I should stream for money...

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                  • Yeah it's almost like there aren't streams all the time that are solely for charity purposes. So tell me OP what have you contributed to society other than stupidity?

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                  • I used to live in a popular small tourist town that was home to a lot of bums. Some times the cops would relocate them to other towns because they were hurting the tourist business. One day a cop came into the bakery my family owned and was telling us a story about a bum they recently relocated. They went to check on him and see how he was doing since he was relocated. His answer was "not so well." when asked why he told the officers he wasn't getting as much money were he was now. The conversation went on to reveal that where he currently was he was making 80 a month where he was before he was making 1200 a week. Seriously 1200 a week for being a bum... I need a raise!

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                  • Streaming is a service to the community they provide entertainment just like any celebrity or person on tv or in a movie so don't dis them you wouldnt call Justin beiber a beg- oh wait.... [spoiler]he is a fat arrogant slob of a begger yes [/spoiler]

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