If you stream for money shame on you. Gaming should be a hobby not a job. You people begging for money make me sick. I don't know what's worse the people streaming for money or the idiots who donate to them?
While you're sitting on your ass fighting aliens you have little kids fighting cancer. Shame on you...
Someone not got a job?
I can taste the salt from here
What is your job?
No they aren't. /thread
Don't watch them?
If it's not your money, there's no reason to get mad. You pay for Internet when that money could go towards cancer treatment. Lots of people make money off their hobbies. Streaming a game if you're a gamer is pretty much the same as playing a concert if you're a musician. People paid for the tickets instead of donating to charity, doesn't make them bad people. Musicians like to get paid for playing. If you invest the time to be successful in your hobby, then why not try to live off it if it's your passion?
I believe the saying is "you're mad because someone is making more money doing something YOU love."
No I think people who pay to watch people play a game that themselves can play is dumb , people be asking streamers what time is a certain activity or maintenance when it's all over the bungie website, people stay believing whatever the streamer says about the game , the weirdest thing I ever saw was when people tell the streamer that because of them watching the stream It saved their life wtffffff
Tell that to a professional athlete.
If you look at a vast majority of geniuses you will see that their jobs were hobbies for them yet they made tons of money from them and your silly attitude would apply to many inventors Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life, maybe it's time for a career change for you
Edited by BIGwillestylz: 6/30/2015 11:54:28 AMI disagree I think There are some genuine nice guys that stream. Goth is entertaining and donates to charities. Lirik (pc gamer) is also entertaining and intelligent. He has an extremely high iq. Resolute and realkraftyy are also high Quality Pvp Destiny streamers. Their gameplay speaks for itself. Broman and wishuluckk are the two you shouldn't watch. Both are man children with horrible attitude. Broman should be banned from destiny with his actions. He is a master at deception. He reports people for tea bagging and he talks shit about people he's playing against in Pvp. Meanwhile his skills are lacking. Horrible public figure. Wish you luck is just a punk b Donations? Btw remember if these streamers don't cheat on taxes then none of their income is taxed. Therefore they need as many write offs As they can or IRS will lock em up. I guarantee if broman had taxes withdrawn then he wouldnt donate to charities. Wake up see through the deception. Lastly Imo as a working adult we all should donate some money somewhere.
Streaming and hosting sites like Twitch and YouTube pay them for subscribers and views. Not people. Sure you can donate, but how is it any different than tossing a few bucks at a street performer? Gaming is most of our entertainment. What's wrong with getting paid for it? Furthermore, how is this your problem? Only conclusion is you are jealous of someone making money doing what they love.
Sounds like someone sucked at streaming and couldn't get subscribers. Jealous much?
What about the vast number of streamers who donate to charities each year? A lot of these guys aren't heartless people.
Why can't u do both?
They don't want money Most of them, actually They wanna help people
or the people posting about it... WTF?
IQ. Do you have any?
Why do you care what other people do with their money? I can't stand the Kardashians, but they don't force people to give them money and neither do the streamer. You could have not bought Destiny and your gamming console and donated all your possessions to charity...but you didn't. So you do your thing and other people will do their thing by voluntary free will.
You just went full retard
You mean to tell me working from your air conditioned home taking breaks whenever you please and playing video games for a bunch of viewers is hard work News flash youth This isn't hard work This is playing video games and suckering suckers into donating for their 30 secs of fame End of story Congrats to these streamers tho They are literally laughing to the bank lol
Sounds like you tried to stream and no one watched you and now uMad
I thought we all knew these people were losers.
Never go full retard.