So last night me and my two teammates managed to kill skolas, in total it took us 4 hours from start to finish.
I was the only person to get a primary with burn, scout with void, which is amazing. Me and one other got a cypher for the first time.
Getting to Skolas was not the problem, the problem was skolas teleporting on to us, the mine always spawned across the map, waiting for synth or farming for super and ammo (part of the challenge, i know).
I remember the days when my raid team would get narked if it took us longer than an hour to get to atheon or it took us longer than an hour to complete CE.
We killed skolas with ease when it was solar burn, for obvious reasons we used Gjallarhorn.
I know there will be some of you that will say "yer well me and my team can do it in an hour, get good scrub!" well I say normal people can't do it in an hour.
Here are my suggestions -
1) We need checkpoints, I nearly gave up as I had work today and it was getting late last night.
2) Separate ammo synth cool downs and like their price have different cool down times
primary - 1 min
special - 3 min
heavy - 5 min
3) Increase the chance of a primary drop, who wants to burn 4+ hours for what are mediocre rewards. I have a lot of armour and weapon cores in my vault!
4) Allow an original member of the fireteam to return with ease WHEN we get booted for an error code. I know there are ways to return but please make it easier
What im not asking for is solar burn every week or for the mines to spawn in a predetermined order or for Skolas not to teleport, I like the challenge Skolas represents but not the time needed
PS if anyone has any other decent suggestions i will post them here.
EDIT - some are missing my point, i know how the sniper bubble strat works, that is how we killed him and i am definitely NOT asking for this to be dumbed down and made easy, I am asking for a few modest changes to be considered.
Thank you for looking though :)
EDIT 2 - If two are dead and the third does not revive, when Variks recalls guardians PLEASE recall all dead to the airlock, we missed out on the large chest coz the third was AFK before revives could be done!
Edited by XxDeus_MortiisxX: 6/7/2015 1:05:30 AMIn a lvl 34 warlock I have 365 truth and praedyths revenge Looking for a Team to do lvl 35 POE Add me XxDeus_MortiisxX psn
Ok so did my 3rd tonight which was a bitch, round 4 captain was bugging and not coming out, if he did he was on the point and captured it fast, then I get weaselled just as we were gonna kill skolas but God bless my team they wiped just before he died! I got two, yes two cyphers lol
Definitely should just run a high impact void sniper, your heavy doesn't matter cuz the snipers out damage them anyway. I like your synth idea but there's no reason to be waiting long in skolas for special ammo. Also the checkpoint idea is good but there's no way to implement it without having people pretty much skip the whole round 1-5 every week. I know I would lol
For 2. I have made a suggestion before. Primary 2.5 min. Special 3min. Heavy 5min. All seperate.
I am a level 34 Titan defender I am looking for skolas CP I have 365 void efrideets spear, 365 truth, and 365 word of crota for skolas. Your team must have 365 high impact snipers and already be familiar with head shot tactic. Ps4 Add Cerberus_323
Ok small update, just killed Skolas in 1:15! I had a slightly different team but we had better load outs, we had to wipe a couple of times but but still smashed him. There is one edit I have made...... see original OP
Edited by xStingingBEEx: 6/6/2015 9:35:15 AMI did it with randoms on the first try, It took 15 minutes to kill him I used a word of Crota not upgraded, 331 two to the morgue, and the last rebellion We basically ran circles around the map and killed him.
It's not just about having a void sniper, you need a void sniper with high caliber rounds. Staggering him will keep him from teleporting. It's crucial. I suggest if you get Her Benevolence, reroll for void and high caliber rounds. It'll make a huge difference. Good luck.
It took my group not even an hour and a half to beat the entire thing
I tried to do skolas last night but couldn't because no one had any good void snipers. We tried to do it the long way but once his bonds were broken all you could do was run circles around the map trying not die,while passing of the essence every so often. It was easy breaking his bonds but once they were gone he didn't do much more damage to him. Sometimes skolas would just sit on the other side of the arena and hide from us during the times when we could shoot him. I think it is a little too hard. I tried killing him for 6 hours straight. But we never finished.
Run all the way left Kill servitor Place weapons bubble Unload void machine guns and snipers Do first round of mines Finish him! Fatality!
When you have to cap the mines hand the curse to a warlock have them die and bring there self back 60secs no curse ;)
When you have to cap the mines hand the curse to a warlock have them die and bring there self back 60secs no curse ;)
I would like checkpoints... Too many randoms get to the boss and then don't have the equipment (or skill) to take him out...
I plan on doing it for the first time tonight hopefully. Does he only spawn mines once during the fight? If a warlock dies with his poison thing and self revives does that come back as well?
I only agree with checkpoints and I'm in the same boat as you. We keep having to give up because of time constraints. REALLY sick of having to start from scratch.
I had a freshly reforged 331 Her Benevolence, 365 WoC and 365 Corrective Measure. Killed Skolas by running around taking out servitors. You just need to play a little better. Its not supposed to be easy.
If you know yall wont kill him on the spot were you put the bubble break his chains keep hitting it until mines spawn take care of mines hunter its the best for that Run to the left and hide under the small room and keep shooting him takes less than 10 min
If you have a weapons of light and 2 people stunning him with 365 PR and then the third person hammering him with a 365 CM you can kill him easily, took us 2 attempts.
Took my team 15 minutes. 365 high impact void snipers and truth.