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Edited by LordConzul: 6/5/2015 11:36:38 PM

EXOTIC Class Item - ideas

Yo so there are no exotic class items. So why would anyone wear them anyway? As exotics they'd prohibit the use of an armor exotic in their stead! ...Well hold your horses. Introducing!.... [b]Timekeeper Set[/b] (Cloak of the; Bond of the; Mark of the) Flavor Text: "For those who can't rewind time after a near-miss, here's the next-best thing." Perk: "Timekeeper" - [i]Lethargizes anyone who survives your super[/i]. Effect: Any enemy who is damaged but not killed by your super falls into slow-motion movement for several seconds. This is marked on them with an effect similar to Thorn or Servitor aura. [b]Planeswalker Set[/b] (Cloak of the; Bond of the; Mark of the) Flavor Text: "For those who consider battlefield movement a beauty, not a necessity." Perk: "Planeswalker" - [i]Enhanced movement and jumps[/i] Effect: on Titans - grants Catapult and removes sprint cooldown; on Warlock and Hunter - grants Enhanced Blink - hold jump while single-jumping to perform a double-distance straight teleport to the location of your cursor, environment permitting. [b]Last Stand Set[/b] (Cloak of the; Bond of the; Mark of the) Flavor Text: "Don't let it go to your head." Perk: Last Stand - [i]Enhanced recharge for lone survivors[/i] Effect: Grants 100% Intellect, Discipline, and Strength when all allies are distant and/or dead. [b]Vengeance Set[/b] (Cloak of the; Bond of the; Mark of the) Flavor Text: "Cut me, do I not bleed? Shoot me, do I not bring crushing vengeance down upon you?" Perk: Vengeance - [i]Grants a retaliation bonus against enemies who have just damaged you[/i] Effect: Gain several seconds of bonus damage against foes who have just hit you. This is similar to Crowd Control but is agnostic of which weapon or ability you use to deal damage back to the enemy. These are my ideas so far. Notice how each class item has a single but powerful perk. That's to make up for the 1.5 or 2 powerful perks you'd be giving up by forgoing exotic armor. Also, if you run your class's exotic item, you can run a full Iron Banner or Osiris or Raid set and feel fuzzy about representing. Not to mention it looks pretty damn good having an unbroken set, aesthetically. Feel free to add your own.

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