Welcome to the Vault Of Glass Normal Raid Finder
Please like this topic so it will be easier to find when searching for Raid help.
I've been using I'm Too Animo's Forum ( https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/86161691 ), but it gets full a lot so I'm creating a 2nd option for robust matching.
Just like Animo, if you need help with any Raids or Goals just msg me on XBOX Live and if I'm not too busy I'll gladly help. I'm also friends with quite a few Sherpas and we all love to help.
- "bunsupkneelin"
- Level 40 Titan
- Level 40 Warlock
- Level 40 Hunter
Xbox One - Vault Of Glass Normal Raid Finder
- [You are Here]
Xbox One - Vault Of Glass Hard Raid Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127524984/0/0
Xbox One - Crota's End Normal Raid Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127526118
Xbox One - Crota's End Hard Raid Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127527623
Xbox One - Weekly Nightfall/Heroic Strike Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127530218
Xbox One - Trials Of Osiris Team Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127531292
Xbox One - Prison Of Elders Team Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127532178
Xbox One - King's Fall Raid Team Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/154400813
33 and 26 looking to do full raid
Need a relic holder for fresh run Have to be able to use it during Templar
Lvl 32 warlock looking for normal then hard vog.
Level 30 Titan defender looking to join vog normal gt is HerMasterWolf
-Lvl.26 Hunter Looking for 5 more experienced players [FRESH] Vault of Glass [NORMAL] Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE] (Btw I'm running Relic)
Need 1 for vog normal atheon cp message for invite
Lvl 34 Titan looking to do VoG NM. GT: Presbyter74
Free gorgon hard cp :) Message me for an invite and how many characters you have!:) gt same as above:) Hurry!!!! •EXOTICS GOTTEN •1 Hard Light •2 Multi Tools •1 Plan C •1 Gjallarhorn •1 Truth •2 Patience And Times •1 Suros Regime •1 Ice Breaker •1 Thunderlord
Free gorgon hard cp :) Message me for an invite and how many characters you have!:) gt same as above:) Hurry!!!! •EXOTICS GOTTEN •1 Hard Light •2 Multi Tools •1 Plan C •1 Gjallarhorn •1 Truth •2 Patience And Times •1 Suros Regime •1 Ice Breaker •1 Thunderlord
Lvl34 warlock Looking for fresh normal raid invite GT same as above
Need 5 for vog gatekeeper normal cp Xbox one will character swap at atheon to get cp on all 3 characters everybody welcome to join in for 3 atheon kills message on Xbox for invite
33 titan invt gt same as name
Need 1 message: Trokars
Have fully upgraded thorn/everything else. Level 26 Titan. Xbox one msg an inv
2 looking for atheon cp on normal inv me at Actionpiggy007
Atheon checkpoint on hard. Message for invite.
Inv Mitchy OG
Titan , hunter, or lock all guns in game all 365 gt same as above looking for 32 34 prison or hard vog
Need 3 for fresh hard
DO YOU HAVE A GROUP !!! DO YOU WANT A CHALLENGE !!! IF SO ......... 26 hunter ( my 3rd char ) lfg to run vog normal with me , have maxed icebreaker ... Gally .... Vex .... Thorn ... & more lol .... So I know the in's & out's Gt : RECON PREDATORS
Doing vog on normal I'm lvl 34 know how to use the relic and everything join helping him get hear
Need 5 for fresh run on normal
DO YOU HAVE A GROUP !!! DO YOU WANT A CHALLENGE !!! IF SO ......... 26 hunter ( my 3rd char ) lfg to run vog normal with me , have maxed icebreaker ... Gally .... Vex .... Thorn ... & more lol .... So I know the in's & out's Gt : RECON PREDATORS
33 and 34 titans invite me please
Edited by Ommelayo: 6/20/2015 12:13:40 AMNeed any help with raids? https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/126978707/0/0