There's been a lot of talk lately about Titans being the worst PvP class and the worst to use in PvP. If that's true then does that make the Titan the class that requires the most skill to be good with?
Edit: so what I gather so far is that Titan class's effectiveness is based on what's convenient for others.
Edit: also from what I see Titans suck until they kill you. Seems legit lol
Edit: also apparently fist of havoc is the only super that can kill people quickly and be used in a panic state.
Edit: fist of havoc is OP because it kills people?
Edit: it seems like people just hate being killed by fist of havoc. I do agree it is a brutal super, and it's just as satisfying as it is brutal :-) it does it's job perfectly haha
Edit: serious edit. something people should realize is due to fist of havoc being a closer ranged super, it's more situational than the the others. Because of that, most people just want to use their super because they have it. It's a lot more difficult to team wipe with can't throw it or walk around the map with it.
I enjoy it the least of my three. But I tend to be a ranged player, so the math adds up.