This is exactly what people need. I have witnessed what you go through and talk about on an extremely smaller scale. The hate that flows through and comes out at me for an opinion I have is hard to deal with. The denial and hate when looking for a clan or someone to play with just because im a lower level is also hard to deal with. Overall it has almost made me quit destiny. It makes me happy to know I can back someone like you to help push what we want and make life inside and outside of destiny fair. Never quit fighting for what you want. You are the reason I still have hope in humanity.
Here's a chance to do something more.
This is just one post of hundreds of voices that have called out for change. When we stand together, we can achieve so much. Every post is one more brick on the road to change. If you'd like to add your voice in a thread (or already have) link it here and I'd love to read and support it. I appreciate what you wrote, but it's the community that have built this. :)