Edit 2: why are you butt hurt? Over a few crucible weapons............
Feel like this is the correct response to the OP
No you don't understand I was so excited for iron banner coming this week I was going to grind for the efrideet spear final round but now, now it's gone forever and I will never get it but then I see other players still have it that is complete bs bungie made a gun with op perks that new players will never get? That's completely unfair
You have been copying and pasting this...
Sound pretty butt hurt..........over a crucible weapon
It would be great for trials bro
I know, I have one lol. Helped me go flawless. Whining doesn't help tho. And calling people butt hurt over weapons is pretty hypocritical lol
Wtf are you on? YOU called me butthurt lol
Of course!!! Who's the one b!tchin and crying on the forums because it's so unfair he doesn't have a certain gun! Get over it! Should have got it last go around! If you think it's wrong then fine be that way but why would you can people butt hurt about a gun when YOU are the one upset and crying about said gun! I'm not upset I have the spear with final round, I'm good!
Exactly you have the spear so you don't care THINK about other people for once and not about YOURSELF
Lol I'm not thinking about myself your weapons have nothing to do with me I'm just saying it's stupidity to call someone butt hurt whilst your being the definition of butt hurt, whining and crying over something none of us can control. Get. Over. It
You seem butthurt because I'm butthurt wow. Also my weapons? Then why do you have them?
What I have doesn't affect you, and what you have doesn't affect me. I don't care what you have, you shouldn't care what I have. All I did was point out the hypocrisy in your edit #2. Now run along and play.. :)
What hypocrisy there is none lmao you obv don't know what it means bud
You are so dumb this convo gave me cancer...
Good :)