Ehhh... some of that is true. They can ban whomever they like for whatever reason they choose, but they also have to recognize they are in the spotlight now and people (for whatever reason) actually pay attention to what they say. They can't just "choose to be dicks" if they want to, they have to be responsible for their actions. It's called - wait for it - being a role model, and whether they like it or not, they have to be socially responsible people.
Or they can just choose to be dicks and then everyone else will follow suit and be dicks and the whole world can go to sh*t. Whatever.
Yes, this is what I'm worried about. The young gamers that are so impressionable that they then internalize the crap and nonsense these guys spew. One of the many reasons why we have such vile young bunch of gamers that have no respect and quick to be disrespectful, when you have grown ass men playing video games and acting like dickheads. I'm sure they wouldn't want their children acting like that towards other people... well at least I hope they don't. Are there ANY YouTubers or Twitch streamers that are actually mature and act their age? I guess it's a rare breed to find that when we are dealing with gaming?