It's because of people like you, bitching like this, why they even got rid of those perks in the first place.
That being said, go use Thorn or The Last Word. Then they will bitch about your guns.
Because this horribly toxic, hypocritical, pathetic, whiny ass trolling cesspool of a community and its incessant complaining is what got them to start "tweaking" all of our weapons into borderline uselessness.
Rip AutoRifles.
My Sad Regime... Soft Light... Down for Nothing... Shadow Cries... they are all so sad. Marshmallow cannons at best. [spoiler]Not to mention Doctor Nope now sits in the unemployment line[/spoiler]
All they do is whine because they can't run straight into combat without utilizing cover. The only thing I ever bash is the gjallarhorn, because of how I've been kicked from fire teams for raids and POE because I didn't have it. And even then I was bashing on the people who had kicked me.
Even then you recognized that the GUN isn't the problem, it's that particular group of 2-5 impatient elitist assholes who demand the best guns and the best gear because they want to be done in under 3 minutes. And you can't nerf people lol.
Bump bump bump bump bump Can't agree more
Thank you.