Accuses us of being butthurt. Whole post is about him being butthurt.
Nah players may be over-reliant on their stupid guns, but I'll live. Snowflakes will be snowflakes until the very end.
Of you're a snowflake, i hope you melt.
You proved my point very nicely
I didn't prove anything. Your accusations are empty.
Seriously? You're basically screaming butthurt. I don't even use my old legendaries anymore and I still think you're being a crybaby.
Sorry bud you are butthurt. We EARNED the weapons. WE USE the weapons how and when we like.
He said that you're butt hurt. You confirm his point by complaining about weapons hat you die from. Yet on ur hunter you have the last word and matador arguably a better shotty than felwinters. Butt hurt confirmed.
Wanting everyone to have access to the same weapons is being but hurt? Wow way to go on twisting my words.
Absolutely being butt hurt.