Pull up your pants, and git gud scrublord.
Yeah sorry about that, just got done railing your mom.
Woah!!! Another epic post! Good one bro! It's filthy casuals like you that ruin this game.
Wrong again buddy. It's filthy PvP elitist pricks like you who think they're better than everyone else that ruin this game.
Well for starters, I am better than you at this game. And no, weapons wouldn't be getting nerfed into the ground if it wasn't for you scrubs crying op every time you die from a gun.
Well your statement goes to show that you didn't actually read the original thing I posted. I don't cry about weapons being overpowered, I make fun of the people who do. So damn near everything you said to me is invalid, prick.
You sound mad. I'm not saying you were crying about weapon nerfs. I was calling you a filthy casual, just like the dickholsters that cry about nerfs.
Dude you just show that you are truly an elitist prick. You have to inflate your ego about a video game, your life must be pathetic.