I've decided to move to Ps4 due to all my friends playing Destiny on Ps4 and would love some kind of leg-up!
I realise there's no chance of transferring my existing Xbox One character or gear but would really appreciate ANY kind of assistance in starting from scratch.
I initially started on Xbox 360 and upgraded to Xbox one. Which of course meant re-buying Destiny. Now after many hours building up 2 separate characters my mates tell me they're on Ps4 :-/ So I have to buy Destiny and the season pass again.
I'm fine with forking the money out again because I've never had as much fun in a game as I have in Destiny but wow I'm really not looking forward to leveling/grinding and chasing items all over again.
Any form of help however you think you can help would be the greatest. Thanks for the consideration Bungie :)
I can help you with the story missions if you want :) just add me, pollypocket0815