Reclaimer oh so good to see.
I once was a human called chakus
But I am transformed by friends I thought were the enemy now I am being rebuilt soon I was rise and find a new installation but you reclaimer may ask me anything for I am bored.
How's the ark...
Why are you so annoying
I'm not a reclaimer Could only bother to hit brigadier grade 2
I love how in the third game chief respected you and trusted you even though last time you met you tried to kill him
Do you miss being chakas?
Does 343 wish to help guardians as a ghost?
I don't trust you. *pet Falconiform growls at you and eyes you warily*
Can you open doors faster than ghost from destiny.
Hey y'all wanna do the vidmaster Deja Vu on Halo 3 ODST on Xbone? Msg me back if you want to join!
Do you have a thing for cortana? (Halo 3 version) 😂😝😏😌
Rampancy must be strong in you 343, you spelled your name wrong. It was actually Chakas.
Do you even Praise the Sun?!
Was IsoDidact a kool dude?
I need proof
I don't believe you.