[quote]That still isn't fair.
Players farmed and grinded to get their weapons. They shouldn't suffer and lose out on their rewards just because they are no longer available. The game is going to evolve with every dlc and this is to be expected.
Scrubs complained about Final Round so they removed it but newbooties want to take guns away from veteran players as well. Also, your poll is extremely biased and you should consider being more mature next time you want to express your opinion.[/quote]
Tell me how I'm being biased, please. Is my purpose selfish? Is that all? Because any requested changes to a game will never seem fair to everyone.
Btw I'd happily delete my Zombie Apocalypse for this change. Bet that hasn't occurred to you.
Your poll. "Nah I enjoy using unobtainable weapons unfairly." That is a biased answer right there. You are obviously upset that you don't have a certain weapon with a certain perk.
[quote]Your poll. "Nah I enjoy using unobtainable weapons unfairly." That is a biased answer right there. You are obviously upset that you don't have a certain weapon with a certain perk.[/quote] Anyone who's disagreeing with me would be thinking that shit. Tell me why you would otherwise?
No. I'm certain even somebody who agrees with you would admit that you are being a biased crybaby. Once again, it is obvious that you are upset about not having a certain gun with certain perks. Next time don't be so immature and self-centered. This has nothing to do with what is fair and what isn't. This is about you bitching and whining because you can't get your way.