I don't know what you are trying to get at or why you decide to twist my words into meaning something you want them to mean, but I'm going to say one last thing and I'm replying to you. Obviously there is no winning here, there is no answer that I can give you that will satisfy you yet I have still sat here and given you my point of view continuously.
I fell off of my faith, I gave up. But then one day I started thinking about things. If I continue this way, won't I just go to hell? But if it's not real... then I won't go to hell? But then what? I know that when I die, I will go to Heaven. But you asked me to step away and to view it from a different angle, so I did. And I said yes I care, because I don't want to die and end up somewhere else or realizing that everything was all a lie. Then you continued to jump on that and use it against me. I shouldn't have taken a view change I suppose, but I did it to try and stand on even grounds with you. It's not about caring, it's about knowing. If you are given a guarantee to win the lottery no matter what numbers you have, then why would you care about what numbers you have? If you are guaranteed a new free car, why would you care what kind of car it is? If someone offers to pay your bills for the rest of your life, no strings attached, then why do you care how they are able to do so? Of course you might wonder why me? But I wonder that to, all the time. Why me? Why am I so blessed? Why did God give his son or me? Because he loves me, and Jesus loves me too. Simple as that. And that's my rock hard belief with no doubts.
I'm sorry we can't have more leveled discussion, you simply disagree with too much of the things I say. It's quite unfortunate.
Don't do that. His questions were very straightforward. You're dancing around his questions and its very dishonest. What is the difference between the bible and Quran? What makes one true over the other? And questioning your beliefs is not a bad thing, I've heard many apologists say it can strengthen your faith.
He has questioned his faith.
You don't know - that's the point. You believe, have faith, etc.. My point is that you don't know, you've decided your particular god is real, and that's it. You don't honestly care about whether or not that god even exists. I care about whether or not my beliefs are true. I don't decide they are true, and then oppose any viewpoint that states otherwise. You have been deluded, and I don't mean that as an insult. I hope that one day you will open your eyes and see reality for what it really is.
As do I for you.