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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Edited by DigitalNinja: 8/4/2016 7:46:02 PM


[b][u]Before reading further, something you should know:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is an RP thread. If you don't like that kind of thing, than I suggest you hit the back tab now.[/spoiler] Welcome to the [DIGITAL_DOJO], a safe haven for warriors of any kind. Here, all are welcome to train for whatever purpose they may have, whether it be a war, or for personal improvement. You may bring weapons, or buy them here, as we can provide for the unarmed. OUR POLICY: The dojo will remain neutral to all other groups, and anyone is welcome to train. This also means we will not interfere with other battles, nor will we start one ourselves. There is one exception however, it is the sovereignty. We have declared war on them, and we will grill their corpses... If you wish to truly join us, you must go through testing by me or by designated personnel. If not, you do not have permission to take up permanent residence. This place is centered around fighting. This includes a multitude of different fighting techniques, ranging from bladed weaponry, ranged, magical, to even firearms. We have specialists for each, and we also carry some forms of each in stock. Another important notice to everyone: do not add or make adjustments to the dojo without asking me first. This includes relations with other groups, buildings, particularly dangerous equipment, and new members. NEWS: [spoiler] WE'VE HIT 50,000!! DON'T SHUT US DOWN NOW![/spoiler] IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE: [spoiler]I'm not always going to be here! If I don't respond, look for one of the Lieutenants.[/spoiler] [b]RULES[/b] [spoiler] 1-the dojo will remain neutral under any and every circumstance, with one exception (see rule 6). All members are required to follow this rule. 2-Any member attempting to take another members life without consent or approval from either the person in question or me will be removed. This becomes effective immediately. 3-Godmodding will grant you a removal from the dojo. 4-lieutenants will now be selected based on merit, not time spent. It is still a factor, but not the main reason for selection. 5-Remember that you cannot win every fight. Try to win if you can, but if you are put up against impossible odds, do not resort to godmodding 6-Anyone and everyone of the sovereignty is our enemy. Kill them and bring their corpses back to the dojo for grilling 7-Ookshmook383141 is not permitted to participate due to constant harassment. No one is permitted to allow him entry. General RP rules will be discussed in the group[/spoiler] [b]For those that don't know what this thread is about, this is an RP thread. Which means you can leave if you were here for something else.[/b] [b][<>---------------------------------<>][/b] [b]And yes, we still exist.[/b]

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  • *empties trash in thread*

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    • [b][i]The Monster Of The North[/i][/b] [b]The Dojo lay still, and quiet. The grass swayed in the breeze, and so did the smaller trees. Leaves rustled, and a few people from the village near the Dojo were just able to be heard. It was very nice, and peaceful. Several birds were singing. This perfect and peaceful harmony was soon shattered by the thud of boots on the ground. Over the horizon was a mass of what looked like people, all dressed in repurposed sports gear, or salvaged bits of Power Armor. Some of them had helmets that only had a hood, and a bandana. Some had just a pair of sunglasses. Some had fox skin helmets on. Fewer had no helmets. Even fewer had metal, plumed helmets. One of the figures stood out, though. He wore metal armor, reminiscent of an ancient Roman soldier's. The only difference was that his armor covered his entire body, not just his legs and chest. The figure also had a unique helmet on, it was a circle, with the features of an angry Roman god, and it was also plumed. The man's metallic armor glinted in the sunlight. The armor had the word 'Legate' painted on the front in red paint. He had a relatively large sword on his back, made of scavenged metal. He also had an overcharged gauss rifle on his back, beside the sword. A scoped hunting revolver lay at his hip, colored red like the rest of the men's armor. He also wore a ballistic fist on one of his hands. As they approached, bannered men came into view. The flags bore a golden bull with a bent tail, and below that, in golden letters, was printed the words 'Caesar's Legion'. The group grew closer, and they ranked around 100 in size. They approached the main entrance.[/b] "Profligates! Send someone out to negotiate with the mighty weight of Caesar!" [b]The man in metal armor yelled. He had pronounced 'Caesar' with a hard k sound.[/b] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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      196 Replies
      • [b]H walks into the dojo foyer (or whatever the equivalent is), conducting himself in a calm manner.[/b] "I am looking for a King Falk."

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by Pofeh: 8/15/2016 3:14:37 AM
          [u]Music blares through the dojo, it's sound echoing and reverberating through the gate and into the plaza. The sound of an overcharged guitar can be heard alongside it, playing faster then a normal human could. As the music nears the gate, a robot comes into view holding what appears to be a combination of an axe and an overcharged electric guitar. His arms are split into six different limbs, each one with it's own group of fingers. All of them strum on the guitar, playing sounds that shouldn't be able to be played on an instrument of such calibre. As he nears the Dojo gates, he begins to play a solo as the rest of the music quiets down to a whisper: [u]After finishing the song, he gives his guitar one last strum before announcing his presence.[/u] "[i]WHO THE HELL IS READY TO JAM OUT?![/i]" [u]He continues playing as music blares from the speakers that adorn his body, awaiting a greeting.[/u]

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          • [b][u]EIGHT DAYS-[/u][/b] Wait what? Someone already did that? Oh. Well then [b][u]SEVEN-[/u][/b] Wait seriously? Huh....Well....ill over here then....

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          • [b][i][u]SEVEN DAYS?[/u][/i][/b]

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by FlimsyRoastBeef: 8/18/2016 3:32:04 AM
              [spoiler]For RoyalBlade/JokingRiddler[/spoiler] [i]So am I in? Or am I not? Please let me know.[/i]

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              • Edited by Pofeh: 8/17/2016 12:54:26 AM
                [u]Fanfare plays loudly in the Dojo as a group of familiar faces line up in tandem. Well, one new face, but that doesn't matter. Hell, a lot of old people are there. There's old, nice Po, Edgy Po, Sueth the -blam!-in edgiest edgelord that ever edged. Even Robo-Bal is there, clanking like the bucket of bolts he is. Alongside them are different versions people, a proper list being Sueth, The Preacher, Edgy Po, Nice Po, Demon Po, Robo-Bal, Original Bal, Current Bal, Godly Bal, Angry Bal, even Judgement Bal. Finally, at the end sits Isole, the newest addition to the bunch. A voice rings out, a pompous and bold ring to it.[/u] "[i]Come one, come all! Face the fighters of yesterday, today, and even tomorrow! Fight who you want, but don't expect it to be easy! Well, that is unless you pick a weakling.[/i]" [u]Announcing this is Aldur, Usurper of the flame, the OP god-mode stomping son-of-a-bitch. They await challengers to appear, waiting impatiently.[/u] [spoiler]Here be the non-canon fight club of non-canon-ness. Come one, come all. Test yer strength in fights to the death![/spoiler]

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                131 Replies
                • [b]the twins meet serenity's kids[/b] [i]kimi and Keira just so happen to be wandering around in their cat form when they hear the delighted girlish squeals of two little girls. [/i] "Look venia kitties"says syrilth [i]before those can react they are being picked up by both them. They run up to leyla who stand their watching them[/i] "Auntie look we found kitty cats can we keep them please"says venia [i]leyla looks at the two of them in their arms and chuckles[/i] "Those two aren't cast there fellpool "says leyla "No auntie their cats see "says venia [i]kimi just sits there in syrilth's arms as keira being held by venia as she try to show her that Keira a cat. Both of them dont say anything[/i] "They talk cats dont talk"says leyla "No cats meow see show her kitty that you dont talk"says venia [i]kimi thinks this is too funny and meows in response[/i] "See i told you their cat"says venia [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                  42 Replies
                  • [spoiler]Wow, this thread is almost to 100,000 replies...[/spoiler]

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                    • *pops head out of the lake after long hibernation* well it seems things are going normal here.

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                      22 Replies
                      • [spoiler] did I get in? or did you guys all drop off for a reason?[/spoiler]

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                        7 Replies
                        • [b]a lumberjack(as described in last post that was ignored :( ) walks around with a glowing blue axe and starts cutting all the grass with it[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler] [spoiler]clearly[/spoiler]

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                          19 Replies
                          • [b][i][u]Let me save you the trouble Pants: EIGHT DAYS[/u][/i][/b]

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                              • Edited by Prism: 8/17/2016 1:30:23 AM

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                                4 Replies
                                • What's a rp thread?

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                                  • Edited by FlimsyRoastBeef: 8/18/2016 3:07:25 AM
                                    [spoiler]Not important [/spoiler]

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                                    • [b][i][u]Death Comes to all.[/u][/i][/b] [b]By Patches', Theresa's and Mortar's Graves sits a new one. [i]Here lies Midnight. The rogue warrior of redemption [/i][/b] [b]Royal stands over the grave, not looking particularly sad.[/b] [spoiler]Open![/spoiler]

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                                      105 Replies
                                      • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 8/15/2016 11:25:21 PM
                                        [u]Serenity's Wrath[/u] [i] Serenity wakes up like she always does its not to early but she needs to make their breakfast before they wake. Serenity looks over at them all three of them are fast sleep on the bed next her. She wonders for second where her other daughter is bit she thinks that her daughter is with her father cause he gets up before she does. But after cooking breakfast for them. She knows they should been back by now cause the other are now up. She starts getting this really bad feeling as she serve them their food. As she lets them eat she goes to her father's room. She opens the door and looks into the room to her horror the room has been completely trashed in what looks like a apparent struggle cause several things in his room have been smashed and broken. That bad feeling she has is starting to turn into grim dread. She trying to remain calm but its not working cause serenity has no idea where they are at all. She looks in his for clues for his disappearance but there is none. She does her best to remain calm when jura approaches when he finished eating she shuts the door but he sees the trashed room.[/i] "Mama where's grampma and syrilth at?" Jura asks "I don't know where they but im gonna look for them okay"she says [i]she has a very worried look on her face. Just as she get ready to says something talath shows up looking at her with interest. He sees by look on her face that something bad happened and he sees that jura has a worried look on his face. [/i] "Whats a matter tell me what happened " says talath walking up to her. "Their gone both of them without a trace but something happened to my father and syrilth"she says . [i] he can tell by the look on her face that she really upset and on the verge of tears.[/i] "Whoa now dont worry we'll find them. How about i watch these guys so you can look for them" he says. [i]she just nods and sets off to look for them. She looks everywhere for them in all of their usual spots but she coming up empty after several hours of searching her dread turns into full blooded panic as walks around shouting their names. With every passing hour she searches for them not stopping for anything. Then she decides to look for them from the air so she transforms flying upwards hoping that she'll spot them but to no avail. She makes one last ditch effort in the form of calling for her in this form she calls for to the point that she almost loses her voice after that fails she turns back into her normal and goes back over the whole area one more time. At this point she becomes a emotional wreck. She starts to cry worried cause she can't find them. but little does she know that the cruel bastards that took them are traveling far away as she spends time looking for them. Elsewhere where her daughter wakes up next to her grandpa chained up by her hands and feet. There's a dull ache in the back of her head she turns and looks at her grandpa but he out cold chained up like she is but he has a gag in his mouth. She doesn't know where she is cause she in the back of some covered wagon that just suddenly hits a bump that makes her fall forward. Its not long before she feels the wagon jerk suddenly to a stop. She hears someone get off the front and walk around to the back. The flap open revealing two burly smelly looking men one them hops up into the back and grabs her grandpa and drags him out then the other makes a grab for her. She inches away from him but he jumps up into the back and drags her out but she fusses the second he grabs her. "No don't let me go"syrilth says frightened. The man just chuckles and speaks to his partner in a different language she doesn't recognize. His partner chuckles as well but he just drags her over to where her grandpa is chained up to a chain sitting in the mud. She tied to a opposite tree thats close by she starts to cry and the man shouts at her. She wonders if she'll see her mother again. When she looks up to the sky she sees its very late and wonders how far they traveled from where they were.[/i] [i] serenity has spent almost a whole day looking for them. She sits down on a bench and just cries cause she can't find them anywhere and she doesn't know what to do. She gets up and still continues to search in to the wee hours of the night still calling syrilth's name[/i] [b]you notices that something is very wrong with serenity[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                        223 Replies
                                        • [b]yoth-hola (you-thola) mulligan and sigimarus fused, walks through into the Dojo's arena, barely fitting through the door[/b] Hmph.......i'd say we would like a challenge........yes....... [spoiler]for story reasons they are staying fused, unless something would separate them, for more plot reasons..........I'm still using them individually, but I want to give them a test drive so-to-speak[/spoiler]

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                                          19 Replies
                                          • [b][u]NINE DAYS[/u][/b]

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                                            • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 8/15/2016 9:24:47 PM
                                              [b][i][u]Just a Little Fun[/u][/i][/b] [spoiler]Open to everyone, including non-Dojo members! This arena fight includes all characters. Do whatever the hell you want, whether that be a 1V5, 5V5, anything. Dojo Char: Ornstein, Smough, Anri, Yuria, Isabelle, Angry, Isaac, the Nameless King, Ella, the Voice. Alternate Versions (GODSSS) Old Dragonslayer (Orny) Super Stein (Orny) Super Smo (Smough) Drugged (Isabelle) The Inflamed King (Nameless King) Unkindled Anri (Anri) 023 (Ella) Deathwish (Voice) Please choose who you wish to fight within the arena. Note that the alternate forms are...scary. Also, I'll be including chars from separate RPs... Verëtis-Logarius, Annalise Cyberpunk-Reyya Quinn Gydaton-NTR Ella, Iza.[/spoiler]

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                                              185 Replies
                                              • [i][u]Setting:[/u][/i] Binard City [i][u]Time:[/u][/i] 3:46 A.M. [i][u]Character(s):[/u][/i] Thugs, Eli [i][u]Title:[/u][/i] Dragon Cultists [i][b]Long past midnight, a cold wind blows from the north. It's a freezing cold night in Binard City, and extremely late; however, the lights of Binard never turn off. On the very outskirts of Binard is an old, abandoned warehouse. Or at least, it was abandoned…. Tonight, strange people wearing red robes and dragons masks bustled in and out of the warehouse, moving massive boxes. This would probably be the greatest addition to their collection of dragon skulls; imagine, the head of Yuldner, the Dragon of the Void! But in order to gain this treasure, preparations must be made; and then it all boiled down to who mattered more to the inhabitants of the dojo. An ice dragon, or a void dragon? Meanwhile, at the dojo, Eli was getting used to his newfound abilities, and the great boost to speed and strength he was given by Theresa's sacrifice. His resolve had hardened since her death; he now understood that not everybody could be saved. That some had to die to save the majority of people. His resolve having hardened, his attacks actually held stopping power. And his aim was steadily improving, as he was no longer scared to hit his target. As he punched a punching bag, fire rose from his fists. Eventually, he decided to take a break, and say down in some shade, taking a gulp of water.[/b][/i][spoiler]LE OPEN!!!![/spoiler]

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                                                143 Replies
                                                • I don't know what I'm supposed to do

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                                                  • [b]A man sits in the middle of the Dojo, looks like a lumberjack(manly man beard, muscular, jeans, long sleeve shirt with sleeves rolled up) and is kneeling over some weird object you can't see[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler] [spoiler]obviously[/spoiler] [spoiler]dumb dumbs[/spoiler]

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