Also, that is my story. You can't go into Christianity simply hoping to see a miracle or something mind blowing. You have to want it truly in your heart. Its searching for Christ and his eternal love. It's truly giving yourself to God and putting in all in his hands while carrying out his plans for us here on Earth in the mean time. He wants us to spread the good word and to bring people to his kingdom. Simple. And if we are faithful and true to his word, he will show us things unimaginably awesome and incredible.
"If we are faithful and true to His word" Does this mean you believe we are saved by God and by works?
We are saved through Jesus. And no, we are not judged by our works although they are cherries on top once we are judged. Doing good things things is always a good thing. Haha no pun intended.
[spoiler]please remember im not just trying to argue [/spoiler] So, i can be Christian and disobey the bible?