Praedyth's Timepiece ;_;
I don't think I'm asking for the moon, here. I don't have any arc primary weapons. I NEED one. Fatebringer would be ok, but I do better with rifles than handcanons. Crota weapons seem nice too but I've never run Crota on hard, and even though I would only need to do the abyss part at the beginning, I feel bad having to be carried.
I just ran VoG with my Titan and 3 people got the Timepiece. Meanwhile, I keep getting armor pieces and ships. I was excited for the Iron Banner but I want to do VoG with all 3 characters before I even start because I want. That. Stupid. WEAPON!
I solo crota normal and hard up to crota each week Look up video tutorials I have all raid weapons except Swordbreaker, Word of Crota, and all VoG secondaries, and Hezen Vengeance
I got it my first hard raid
I has 2. And it is a pretty rare droo
Just solo crota's lamps.... Any class can do it...
I have the time piece, but still no corrective measure ;-;
Just got mine yesterday and saw 3 drop on one Atheon death....he may be dropping them like hotcakes right now...
Ps if you are on 360 I really don't mind taking you through Crota hard
I just got mine. Don't like it. But that's me
Dont hold your breath! After 60+ complete VoG runs, not to mention checkpoint starts, 900 -950 hours. I got mine. Funny thing, I got it when I was joining for Gatekeeper cp.
It's the only raid weapon that has yet to drop for me
It's not that good I hardly use it
if you play on Xbox1 send me an invite I'll gladly run you through the lamps on crota it only takes a few minutes, it's not a guaranteed drop, however it's pretty common
Eew, super low impact and high fire rate. Pulse pea shooter. Go flawless instead get messenger
You wouldn't rather have the Crota arc pulse rifle instead?
Legit got 2 last night on each character along with hezen vengeance. 2 guns I never had (:
Shit i got 2 of them you want one.
Had it for months but still can't get hezen
I got it and tried it out and hated it. I then dismantled it. Sorry about your luck man.