I cannot tell you how many times I have seen some of the [i]worst[/i] players in the Crucible get Passage Coins, while I don't get any.
Also, I was on a 20-win Rumble streak, but I got second place in one match, and I didn't get anything. However, the person who got first place got a -blam!-ing Gjallarhorn!
Lose the RNG, and put in a [i]real[/i] loot system that is based off of K/D ratios or win streaks!!!
And, no, it is not bad luck. Even after the update, I have rarely been getting Passage Coins!!! All of my friends say they have 30 Passage Coins, while I, on the other hand, only have 7.
This isn't only happening with Rumble, it's happening in every Crucible playlist. Usually, the only times I [i]do[/i] seem to get any Passage Coins or anything else from the Crucible is when I lose a match. It seems like RNG is defeating the purpose of winning in the Crucible (and Vanguard).
I have been getting K/D ratios of 7.0 and even 8.0 (check my past Crucible matches). Don't you think that is deserving of a Gjallarhorn or three Passage Coins?
Dude you get passage coins from the featured crucible type. You can access it from the main screen of the map