Has it occurred to anyone else that by competing in the Prison of Elders, we're basically committing war crimes? These prisoners are basically POWs and we're executing them. Just saying. It's a lot of fun and I don't really have a problem with it, just something I got thinking about.
Edit: To those who say it can't be a war crime without the UN or other governing bodies and conventions, the prosecution of war criminals predates modern conventions. Now, as far as only the losers being the only war criminals, yeah, pretty much.
And two things about the strikes. First, why are we messing with Phogoth? "Hey guardian, there's this big scary monster thing we need you to kill. Technically, he doesn't pose a threat because he's too big to leave his room or get on a ship. Also, he won't hurt anybody unless he's provoked. Kill him anyway." On the Archon Priest strike, wouldn't it have been far easier just to shove his little capsule off the cliff rather than fight him? It's right there on the edge. Just sneeze on it and boom, fall damage.