Hey guys, I thought this would be helpful for all of you since the [i]Lord Saladin[/i] is making his way back to the tower!
Everyone is excited for the return of [b]Iron Banner[/b] and the new rewards ready to be reaped. I myself love this game mode and have tons of fun playing but like us all, we need help once in a while... [i]and this is where you get it![/i]
[u]Just follow this format:[/u]
[b]Gamertag[/b]: RaSuRs
[b]Character(s)[/b]: 34 Titan
[b]Misc[/b]: w. all Iron Banner gear and Felwinters'
[b]Looking for[/b]: 3 Players Level 32+
Why not like this post! It will make it easier to come back to and get us more attention so that more players can post and when more players post, more players complete their games.
Short, sweet and to the point.
Thanks guys :) Enjoy!
[b]Edit: Thanks for the 300 posts people![/b]
[b]Edit: Just hit 750 posts![/b]
[b]Edit: We actually hit 1000+ posts, thanks![/b]
[b][Xbox One] [i]REAL[/i] Trials of Osiris Player List & Finder:[/b]
[b][Xbox One] Prison of Elders Team Finder:[/b]
[b][Xbox One] VoG Hard Team Finder:[/b]
Flawless in ToO on every character 34 all characters best weapons for PvP needs a team - message cCougar for invite or invite me to your team
Need 4 +33 for iron banner message me on xbox for invite
Let's do this, I'm 9-0 Trials so am ready for the win rocking a messenger and felwinter
Need 4 more ! Add: Nk alxmni
Looking for IB team I'm a 34 Titan can run striker or defender whatever the situation calls for my gt is the same as above
Edited by WBdune: 6/2/2015 6:07:23 PMGt warchief09 need 4 for a team level 32 and up
Need 1 more. Gt^same
34 hunter looking for good team. Gt same as above
34 Titan experienced in crucible looking for team to join gt same as above
Need 3 more 33+ for iron banner, looking to win games message R3D T3MPO LE for inv
Need a defender Titan for IB 33/34 only Message: LLLMatrix X LLL
Level 32 Hunter looking for iron banner group. Looking for experienced crucible players. No scrubs Msg gt: oHuccii for an invite. Must be 33+ and good.
34 Titan needing a group
Edited by SHYST: 6/2/2015 5:51:51 PMLooking for a team to completely destroy teams in Iron Banner. Message [b]RaSuRs[/b] for an invite. I am an experienced competitive pvp player and I have all Iron Banner armor equipped with armor stats of: - [b]99%[/b] [i]Intellect[/i] - [b]76%[/b] [i]Discipline[/i] - [b]24%[/b] [i]Strength[/i] • 365 The Scholar (ToO Scout Rifle) • Non-upgraded Felwinters' Lie • 331 Her Courtesy • 365 Ice Breaker • 365 ([i]Tracking[/i]) One Way Ticket
Fire team of all 34s message snipedi for inv
Looking For a Fireteam of 6 that are only lv 34s so that we can pub stomp. Post GT down below or send me a message on xbox my GT is same as above and I'll invite you.
Need 4 experienced 33+ msg me as above
34 Warlock looking for iron banner team GT DGM IV 4 Message for invite
Need 5 for lron banner message iiTeqa for inv
Level 34 max weapons invite my gamertag I Twinnny I
Need 4 good players. Message alecmc007
Flawless in ToO on every character 34 all characters best weapons for PvP needs a team - message cCougar for invite or invite me to your team
Gt: Diiemmachine Xbone looking for banner group
Need 4 more experienced lvl 33+ msg me as above
Message LLLMatrix X LLL ON Xbox one We need 3 people that are level 34
34 titan lfg gt above