Hey guys, I thought this would be helpful for all of you since the [i]Lord Saladin[/i] is making his way back to the tower!
Everyone is excited for the return of [b]Iron Banner[/b] and the new rewards ready to be reaped. I myself love this game mode and have tons of fun playing but like us all, we need help once in a while... [i]and this is where you get it![/i]
[u]Just follow this format:[/u]
[b]Gamertag[/b]: RaSuRs
[b]Character(s)[/b]: 34 Titan
[b]Misc[/b]: w. all Iron Banner gear and Felwinters'
[b]Looking for[/b]: 3 Players Level 32+
Why not like this post! It will make it easier to come back to and get us more attention so that more players can post and when more players post, more players complete their games.
Short, sweet and to the point.
Thanks guys :) Enjoy!
[b]Edit: Thanks for the 300 posts people![/b]
[b]Edit: Just hit 750 posts![/b]
[b]Edit: We actually hit 1000+ posts, thanks![/b]
[b][Xbox One] [i]REAL[/i] Trials of Osiris Player List & Finder:[/b]
[b][Xbox One] Prison of Elders Team Finder:[/b]
[b][Xbox One] VoG Hard Team Finder:[/b]
Need 4 more to run this full team of iron banner !!! You must be good !! & either 33 or 34 Let's win against everyone & destroy these fellow guardians ;) Gt: Trussst Me
Message me for invite need 4 more people for a full fire team.
Iron banner send message for invite. BlueCrayon17350 you have to be level 33 or 34
34 Titan looking for iron banner team, don't invite if you don't know what you're doing. Gamertag is: squats 4 thawts
Lvl 34 hunter with experience lf IB GRP same gt
Edited by SHYST: 6/4/2015 4:03:58 AMNeed 4 for: [spoiler]Deez Nuts GOT EEEEEM[quote]Keep the posts coming guys! :)[/quote][/spoiler]
Level 34 warlock looking for iron banner Trynnaa get a felwinters. My gt is the same XB1
Need 4 for pub stomping iron banner Must be 33+ GT: Lvdy
Need person that have gone 9-0 in trails before message me for inv must have proof
Need 3 for ib don't be trash because we will kick you asap
Need two 34s for IB. Message GT ex2049 for invite.
Need 4 experienced people msg me for invite gt same as above
3 lvl 34s looking for 3 more lvl 34 GT: Above Swag
3 lvl 34s looking for 3 more lvl 34 GT: Above Swag
Lvl 33.5 hunter looking for good team
34 warlock looking to join a good team invite me if have room gt same as above. I have max thorn
Need 3 more people lvl 34 GT: Above Swag
Need 3 more people lvl 34 GT: Above Swag
Looking to join a iron banner group gt is above very skilled 34 Titan
[quote]Need a 33+ Hunter with Achlyophage Symbiote or a warlock void bomb Bubble method GT: Carbonite Flux[/quote]
Lvl 34 titan with 365 weapons looking for group to play iron banner GT: Above Swag
Need 4 for iron banner. ~Requirements~ -Must be a 34 -Be experienced -Have good weapons (365) -The drive to win -Have fun Xbox one only! Message gt above for invite! ;-)
Need 3 decent players. GT: Mr Lomzz
Need 2 more for iron banner msg me for invite gt krzychild00
Need 4 GOOD players. Msg xiPoSeR
Lvl 34 looking for skilled IB team gt DefendTheTower