Hey guys, I thought this would be helpful for all of you since the [i]Lord Saladin[/i] is making his way back to the tower!
Everyone is excited for the return of [b]Iron Banner[/b] and the new rewards ready to be reaped. I myself love this game mode and have tons of fun playing but like us all, we need help once in a while... [i]and this is where you get it![/i]
[u]Just follow this format:[/u]
[b]Gamertag[/b]: RaSuRs
[b]Character(s)[/b]: 34 Titan
[b]Misc[/b]: w. all Iron Banner gear and Felwinters'
[b]Looking for[/b]: 3 Players Level 32+
Why not like this post! It will make it easier to come back to and get us more attention so that more players can post and when more players post, more players complete their games.
Short, sweet and to the point.
Thanks guys :) Enjoy!
[b]Edit: Thanks for the 300 posts people![/b]
[b]Edit: Just hit 750 posts![/b]
[b]Edit: We actually hit 1000+ posts, thanks![/b]
[b][Xbox One] [i]REAL[/i] Trials of Osiris Player List & Finder:[/b]
[b][Xbox One] Prison of Elders Team Finder:[/b]
[b][Xbox One] VoG Hard Team Finder:[/b]
34 Warlock Voidwalker 1.09 K/D Looking for one for Iron Banner GT: SSG RIOS Message for invite
34 Warlock Voidwalker 1.09 K/D Looking for one for Iron Banner GT: SSG RIOS Message for invite
Inv me
33 hunter looking for squad Gt as above
34 hunter looking for iron banner team. Gt harpazoid xb1 (I have max weapons)
Level 34 warlock lf for solid IB team. In game invite gt- xt3n
34 hunter looking for iron banner team. Gt harpazoid xb1 (I have max weapons)
Need 4 for iron banner Looking to kick some ass Message me
33 Titan with max last word looking to grind rep and make people cry Message/invite me
Level 34 Ttian with maxed weapons looking for a skilled team. Been flawless a few times on trials with an overall kdr of 1.94 so I'm capable enough. Send me an invite, GT same as name.
I'm creating a team for iron banner Msg over Xbox if you want in
Lvl 34 Hunter looking for group to play iron banner GT: Above Swag
Level 34 only with max weapons and must be able to go positive
lvl 33 warlock with mic looking for good players I go positive in the game 21+ only- no little kids. inv gt above
Level 34 warlock with thorn corrective measure vex 2 365 snipers , ghalarhorn, vex and bad juju Invite Kiwi pewee
3 Lvl 34s looking for 3 more 34s with 365 weapons GT: Above Swag
Need four elite player
Looking for some decent players need 5 34s Gt markymark allen
Level 34 warlock looking to join a solid team I have all maxed exotics, I usually run thorn/last word, 365 felwinters lie/praedyths revenge Gt: fear king hell
Need 5 34s for ib must be good message my gt zayho
34 hunter with mad skill invite :jiffy jordan
Need 5 Skilled players with mics Will be streaming, to be picked up you must follow the stream. Thanks guys, message dReNMaRe http://www.twitch.tv/drenmaretalks Comment in the chat once you've followed <3
need one skilled titan peferably striker
Need 1 experienced level 34 player with 3000+ Grimoire Score and Max Weapons (thorn). Msg Apokuhlypse for invite.
2 average guys looking for a team to help out with Iron Banner. Will work hard for the win. Message Obesic American to send invite.
34 hunter