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6/2/2015 12:44:51 AM

Blades of Crota and Matchmaking

Ever since HoW came out; the Blades of Crota seem to stop spawning and I wonder if this is because The Wolves are always prowling. Also; I feel like that matchmaking should be implemented into the PoE challenges BEFORE anything else should. Now you're probably going to say "No, the challenges are made to be harder in that way; no matchmaking"; but I believe matchmaking in PoE challenges is even harder than getting two other Guardians for your fireteam because 1. You don't know the other two you are paired with. 2. You can't really pre-plan with your team. 3. You can't communicate with them since they probably don't have mics. I would love to see this happen and to see other Guardian's feedback on this.

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