Can we at least come to a general conclusion that there are simply some activites where you NEED to build a group? Raids, Prison of Elders, etc. NEED a level of communication that, from my personal experience, you simply WON'T GET without actually digging for good people.
The Destiny community has quickly become infested with whiny nerf-herders, squeaky brats, elitist assholes and most recently (according to the forums) hackers and despicable cheating scum. Simple fact is that I do NOT want a chance at being matched up with such people, and they need to be weeded out and distanced from this community. Cut out akin to a cancerous tumor in the body.
Even then, Matchmaking for Weekly Strikes/Roc Strikes ALONE I had both of my partners dropping out at the VERY START OF THE STRIKE about 75% of the time. Could you imagine the Hell that would go down during a Nightfall, LET ALONE a Raid, or Heaven forbid, the Prison of Elders? The Call of Duty "lobby shopping/hate to lose" mentality is beginning to fester and stink. We can't allow it to continue.
You know that matchmaking is a choice, right?
anytime anyone mentions a nightfall strike I find it hard to take them seriously. You do realize with all burns on for nightfall, the weekly heroic can actually be harder than the nightfall?
Fear. Hate. Mistrust.
So every opinion anyone has outside of your own about matchmaking means that they are fearful hateful and distrustful... Hmmmmm... Have you considered that the nature of the game is social and it is important to form groups of players to complete content? If I was asked if I would rather Bungie's resources devoted to dedicated servers for crucible and raids Or... matchmaking servers for thousands of players who refuse to take five minutes, or spend an evening helping a person out online(to make a friend), I would take the dedicated servers for crucible and raids in a heartbeat. I personally see it as part of the game to connect with other players that you get along with along the way. I have made some really cool friends. From crucible killers to PvE role players and just good people in general. Each week I derive great joy from helping them out even if it doesn't come with personal benefit.
One of our opinions is inclusive and one exclusive. I have zero issue with you being able to LFG or have a clan :)
This exclusivity you go on about... Tell me, do you TRULY want a dysfunctional bunch, including people who rage quit at the first sign of difficulty? Do you REALLY want to bang your head against a wall trying to find people to replace those who quit constantly? I'm sorry, but the way Destiny is built, the current, and even previous generation of gamers CERTAINLY are not ready, or mature enough, to handle match making for high-level activities.
You don't get to frame what is inclusive or exclusive. The clan that I manage is highly inclusive. Black, white, Asian, redneck, male, female, Hispanic, German, these are all the types of people that play with on a regular basis. You're more than welcome to join my clan as well. There is no pressure associated with it, all you have to do is think about us when you have content to complete and communicate. Last night our clan got together and seriously tore it up in Iron Banner. i'm already pushing rank 2.
Did you actually read my post?
Yes, where did I misunderstand you.
Again, personal experience with MULTIPLE gaming communities, not just Destiny. There is a level of toxicity taking hold that CANNOT be denied, like it or not.
That's the beauty of optional, duder. In no way do I want it forced, and we're all aware of the issues that can be found using randoms, whether they were found using matchmaking or manual matchmaking.
Edited by Isel the Primal: 6/1/2015 11:53:35 PMAnother good conclusion here is that we are all human, and we know when we need and don't need help. Options are always good to have, it's healthy for us as a whole, something we don't have at the moment. But at least they acknowledged it in a way, let's see what happens.