That was the first destruction of Earth. This time it's 7 years of tribulation under the rule of the anti-Christ and then Armageddon and fire and brimstone rains down on Earth.
No, I'm taking about the flood that consumed almost all life but were wiped out with the ark and the halos
Completely unrelated topic
Actually it fits pretty well
Not really
I guess we aren't on the same page here...?
It will bring unity to all by removing freewill
Edited by LordSaladz: 6/1/2015 11:29:39 PMThe flood already happened and God promised to not flood the Earth again in Genesis 9:11.
Edited by Panic @ YMCA Public Pool: 6/1/2015 11:31:09 PMThe Gravemind will consume all
Alright then.