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6/1/2015 6:26:52 PM

We're adding Matchmaking to the Wish List thread to acknowledge the request that has been made by many of you. You have my personal assurances that the design teams know you want it. They've seen the conversation. My comments about using your time here to make friends and play games were an attempt to provide ideas for immediate solutions to the issue of needing people to play with. I'm not here to invalidate anyone's opinion, but I do have my own experiences with with building teams to play games together. If I could move one of you closer to taking matchmaking into your own hands, it would be worth the scorn. As for deliberate forum censorship on the part of anyone at Bungie? I can guarantee that these things are not happening. The algorithms that sort forum topics do their own thing. The only time we influence that is when one of you is violating the code of conduct.

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  • More words =/= more detailed.

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  • Well it's better than being told to go to LFG, do you realise he could say nothing or repeat the same crap and it wouldn't really matter?

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  • Edited by fatback1974: 6/2/2015 2:35:06 AM
    I suppose you are correct, sadly. To expect so little, and be expected to appreciate it.

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  • I can't hold it in anymore. ACCEPT. What the hell?! How do people go through life without even learning their OWN LANGUAGE?! Alright. Sorry about that, but every time I scrolled past it I wanted to scream. Lol.

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  • Edited by fatback1974: 6/2/2015 2:34:45 AM
    Ugghhh!! You're right. I can't stand it either. My bad. I'll fix it. No wait, expect is correct.

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  • Having re-read that, my bad. Lol.

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  • I completely agree it is a shame but I am enjoying that people like yourself and OP are rising to the challenge of wanting better. I am happy that deej responded in the manner he did but i expect more especially on subjects that make common sense, more clarity from them is key here I think.

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  • As the OP, (me) maintains, it's a first step. An acknowledgement of our effort and that we as a community overwhelmingly want MM. Now, we watch. We see if action follows placating statement. And if it does not, we return to full bombing mode with a vengeance that makes the Israelis and Palestinians look tame. :D Rome in a day, y'all. Rome in a day.

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  • I think people need to start treating DeeJ with a little more respect. It must be really nice to say what you want when the conversation is always one sided.

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  • One doesn't get to actively avoid a conversation they invited and then get that as a defense. But, response has been given. Progress made.

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  • It would be less one-sided if he would participate as invited multiple times.

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  • Edited by Scorpius XX1: 6/1/2015 11:54:52 PM
    Unless I am grossly mistaken, which I'm not because I'm looking right at it, he participated via the post right above ours. Besides, even if he didn't, what gives anyone the right to attack this man personally when he is not in a position to defend himself? They don't, and it's classless.

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  • This post above mine took two [i]weeks[/i] to elicit and only came after a Forbes article because it put Bungie in the hot seat. You want to talk classless? How about we look at the constant stream of Community Focus articles that provide unsuitable manual matchmaking options [i]and[/i] ignoring the desire for optional matchmaking this long. Look at last week's Weekly Update for a perfect example. I get it, he's just a liason. I am too, in the auto industry. My supplier doesn't keep its customers by ignoring them until MotorTrend picks up the story. Bungie's treatment of the community is what's classless, including Deej's refusal to participate.

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  • Edited by Scorpius XX1: 6/2/2015 12:21:28 AM
    The first statement you made is speculation. You have no way of actually proving the reasoning behind the timing, so it's not an excuse. Secondly, what do you want? The mans soul? Do you honestly expect him to respond to every single article, every single post or thread, and believe that when he doesn't it constitutes him ignoring the situation? Use some common sense. Thirdly, this is not the auto industry, so lets not pretend the standards are the same because they are not. And again, looking right at his post, yup, looks like participation to me.

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  • I want him to be honest and not lie to everyone's face. [quote]it would be worth the scorn.[/quote] Oh, poor self deprecating DeeJ. Then he lies right to your face again in the next paragraph.

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  • Edited by Hettar393899: 6/2/2015 2:36:46 AM
    After countless guardians,(and I proudly count myself among that number, and hope that my threads and effort helped spearhead the cause) despite rampant trolling and disappearing threads, crammed enough threads and likes and bumps up everyone's bum they HAD to respond.

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  • Wow, you're thick, aren't you? He was invited to participate and actually have a discussion in multiple instances [i]in which he'd previously commented[/i] and straight refused. The timing is incredibly suspicious, to say the least. Press releases aren't participation. And your claiming that a difference in industries justifies substandard products and practices?

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  • So I'm thick because you have suspicions....O........k. sir I believe I already stated it was speculation, which you just confirmed, because suspicions are exactly that. And how is a press release addressing a specific concern of the community considered, '' Not participating?'' Perhaps you need a Dictionary because that would fall under the category of participating. You probably just didn't like what was said because it wasn't addressed to Quack fever. Substandard products and services? Ummm you don't have to keep playing the game, if you really feel that way, stop putting money into the company and it's products. Not complicated.

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  • Yeah, you're pretty thick if you can't connect two and two. I suppose Bungie needs their good Germans though. I don't think you grasp the concept of feedback [i]or[/i] participation. And I'm surprised your knees aren't sore yet. Make sure to wipe when your done.

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  • lol

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  • Edited by Scorpius XX1: 6/2/2015 12:46:02 AM
    Ummmn no there is nothing to connect. Not really sure what you meant with the German connotation either, but if it's what I think you meant then I really have no more interest in speaking with you about this matter. Secondly, if treating people the way you would like to be treated constitutes having sore knees then so be it. Personally I think it completely irrational to keep something in your life that makes you unhappy, and expect it to change by making false allegations and spreading baiting innuendos with nothing factual to support them, all in the name of having the '' Perfect Video game according to Quack fever.'' By the way, appropriate gt, it suits you. One other thing, as I will not be speaking with you anymore after this. Do you really expect people to listen to you when you call them names, question their integrity, and overall treat them as you would a dog? What in the world would make anyone believe they are going to get what they want when all they are offering is acid? You want to know why they don't listen to you, and I wouldn't either personally) They don't listen to you, and they don't answer you, because people like you have no self respect, if you did you would respect others. There is no consipiracy here, it's just half the community doesn't deserve the time of day, straight up that's the truth.

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  • Then go bother them. :)

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  • When I have I given Deej any worse than he's given us? I, and much of the community, have made reasonable requests that have been met only with lies and corporate double-speak. Press releases are not participation. Conversation is. And we have yet to see a conversation about this issue. We have seen only a declaration of philosophy and a poor attempt at damage control after a national publication published an article about the issue at hand. If those two aren't connected, then it's terrible timing on Bungie's part. None of us wanted this to drag out, and much of the vitriol directed towards Deej isn't entirely warranted, you're correct in that. But it's truthfully the product of frustrated fans who would like to enjoy the content without having to go outside the game to do it, and who have been given nothing substantially constructive in return. It's great to have a legitimate acknowledgement, it is. But ask yourself: how much shit has sat on that wishlist for how long? The feedback forum is here for fans to provide feedback on what can improve the game, and Bungie claims they're listening. We want to see the evidence that they are, even if it's "hey, something in the current code is going wacky when we try this, we're still working on it". And pardon my own frustrations with you, if you can. They were uncalled for, and you've been awfully professional in the face of them. So thank you for that.

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  • Edited by Scorpius XX1: 6/2/2015 12:50:22 AM
    I just now saw this, right after my edit. I appreciate you owning up and you're welcome. Perhaps my earlier statement about you was ill advised, but again, I was merely responding to what was being dealt. So i apologize as well If I offended.

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  • You're good dude. It's just a topic that gets me a little heated. I work 50 hours a week and divide my time off between Kentucky, central Indiana, two dogs, two cats, chores, my girlfriend, and our families. I don't have much time to LFG or devote to a clan, and we've gotten a lot of responses from Deej that amount to "find a clan". It's frustrating.

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