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Edited by VGR kloh: 5/30/2015 7:27:56 AM

Idea: adding shortcuts to use/activate stuff faster (like ammo)?

Hi, I don't know for other people here, but almost each time I go into my menu to change my equipment or to activate something (random example: ammo pack), i'm so tired for waiting for items to be displayed. I'm playing on Xbox 360 and maybe on One/PS4 there is no problem, but on 360 it is a pain in the ass for waiting those damned items to be displayed and usable. Sometimes, I wait for almost 10 sec to be able to do something… I don't need to tell you that it is quite frustrating when you're in front of Skolas at level 35… Whatever, I've thought a lot about it and I've found an idea: we should be able to define some shortcuts to make some chosen actions (like activating ammo, or materials like ether seeds). In any other game, this kind of shortcuts would be allocated to cross keys but today we use it to dance (to sit and say hi too, but especially to dance). So how do we do? I've have thought about it: why not use the back/select function? Today, we use it to quit a squad or to go back to orbit but why we couldn't use this menu to use/activate some stuff? You already partially use the cross to manage voice channel (left/right keys) but maybe we could use it to activate/use stuff without having to go into the menu (with up/down keys?). It wouldn't be perfect but it would be much better than waiting into the menu without seeing anything of what happening around us. Of course, such a function implies we're able to define what action we want to do with each key. So we would have need a new option in the menu to allocate a stuff/material to a key. We could be able to define when we're on the stuff piece or in a dedicated part of the options, but I think Bungie designers would find out the best option for this. I hope this idea will find an echo because I'd really like to have such a function. It would be so great (think about my mental health!). Have a good week-end and see you somewhere in the solar system! :)

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