The question is what class are [u]you[/u] least effective with.
Note that this is not a #masterrace or mines better than yours thread but which class do you feel yourself to be the least effective with.
For me although I really enjoy playing hunter I find myself falling behind my fire team I terms of kills and I feel as if I'm not playing a supportive enough role unless I'm sniping. Titans are in the middle as I can offer bubbles to protect and buff and slams to clear out or push back enimies. I do my best on my Warlock it was my first character and I feel I offer my fire team more with my warlock I can go void walker and lay down some serious damage and suppression or sun singer and boost my fire teams recharge rate or come back to life in those clutch situations and when all else fails I'm a grenade dispenser laying down some serious booms.
I feel I'm least effective with hunters because they feel so squishy unless I'm running dancer and go for the invisi rez I feel as if I'm not offering much to the team. I think the class is really fun don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's bad character or weak I have seen lots of people do great with hunters.
So how about you what class is your least effective and most effective. Share tips tricks and gripes.
Least effective with my titan because of the level. But idk im decent with all classes? But definitely least effective with voidwalker and striker