I dunno man. I get what your saying, I get the whole free will thing. But ultimately god knows there's ton of people that are gonna end up in hell, and if it was up to me i wouldn't create mankind and prevent that suffering. Maybe my question can't be answered as to why he created us anyways knowing this, only he can answer it i guess.
Yes, a question only he could answer I suppose. He created life. But if he wanted everyone to be perfect and decided to create every single person without flaw and with intentions to send every single one to Heaven, then why even place us on Earth? He would have just created us all in Heaven from the beginning. You have to inherit your passage to Heaven, in which God wants for every single one of us. But fact is, some people simply won't.
But by saying that if he wanted everyone to go to heaven he wouldn't have put us on earth, you're essentially saying he wanted some people to go to hell, and knew that they would. If I knew my son was destined to eternal torture before I even had him, I simply wouldn't allow him to be born because no matter what I did to prevent it, [b]by definition[/b] It couldn't be worse than eternal torture.