After hundreds of hours of playing this game and having everything that it put on the table, I believe I just had my first moment of feeling that I'd earned something.
So long ago before the dark below I got the Invective exotic bounty. I finished it, but the shotguns were so lackluster for PvE and leveling them up was extremely difficult, so I opted to let it rot. When The Dark below came out, I was excited to level my Gjallarhorn up to 331 so I broke down some weapons, including invective, to get shards.
Now that shotguns have a huge boost, and I always use one, I was extremely sad that I no longer had my invective, so I set out on a journey. I did every single bounty available for all three of my characters, and after only two days, I got a mentor missive and the bounty for Invecitve!
I finished the bounty quickly and now I'm in love with the gun, never running out of ammo even with juggler on is great :)
This is how Destiny's reward system should be. Put in the work, and get the rewards. Though sometimes it seems as though there is just too much RNG involved. Hopefully someday all guardians are rewarded the way I was.
I like reading about people's experiences like these. I feel like this is how Bungie envisioned their game to be. Telling each other stories of our conquest and such. In all actuality, found verdict and any of the new HoW shotguns make good PvE shotguns as well. They might not have the stopping power that Invective does but it frees up an exotic slot for a good primary.