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5/28/2015 11:04:15 AM
Only difference between matchmaking and finding people on forums is it takes longer to find and set up games from the forums You still: -are playing with random people -have people who still suck -may have players who dont have mics -could have rude players -could be unsupported -may play with people who have no experience -CAN MAKE YOUR OWN PRIVATE TEAM WITH MATCHMAKING Edit #1 Joining a fireteam still puts you at risk of players still showing up at a lower level which then restarts the search anyways. Also there are numerous stories in which fireteams leaders have booted people at the end of a match right before awards are given out. Edit #2 Not everyone has 2-5 friends on at a time. Again the people who answer your call aren't always good, just like matchmaking. Also if you kick people from your game you are wasting as much time if you have a bad player in matchmaking. Edit #3 were does it say in matchmaking you can't bring your own fire team in? Matchmaking allows everyone to go at it when ever they want and how they want. If you want to jump right in you can, if you want to set up your own team you can. People would rather play than not, some would like to play right away rather than wait.

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