*we pick you up and shield our eyes from the explosion.* his death was not in vain brother. The space battle is over now all we need to do is purge the boarders. You're being promoted to my Second in command and you will be by my side when we take the first steps on our new planet.
Good. i will rememeber you URF.... *picks back hs helmet. loosk similar to a mandolarian helemt but with Mars marking and a notsabel gas mask inside* any plans now? *picks up his multi fire rocket launcher*
Edited by CaptainMandalore: 5/28/2015 3:42:45 AMWe've found a new system. Time to explore a new world and create a home for our people. Defend it and raise the next generation. *places two medallions in your hands with a flying walrus* I had these made for the two of you. As of now I've renamed your division the "URF's Aces." You can rest now soldier. Leave the securing of the ship to us.
well then. *perpares a small crusier ship with 5 other sodleirs to explore the new palntet* *places hsi laucnehr on the groudn* Made my Cannon proud.. *enters the hsip and readies for launch*
God speed Salazar, you're our last hope. *i get on the comms and give the green light to launch the cruiser.*
i have a bad feeling about this. *launches* [spoiler]THEM REFERENCES![/spoiler]
*waits patiently as we finish securing the ship* [spoiler]references for days lol, BETTER not die tho [/spoiler]
[spoiler]dont worry i wont die[/spoiler]