IT'S NOT FAIR! PvP is so hard, Thorn Vex and TLW is running rampant and I can barely kill anyone with my Suros. Either Auto's need a serious buff, or Hand Canons need a serious Nerf! It's not fair, buying the game means that I have a right to experience all content! Bungie Plz... FIX THIS!
I like way it is now. It's hard to get n it's a good feeling when you do.
With the buffs that you can buy; start out with a win, and the next victory you get grants you two wins, would make it to where you would need to win literally ONE game to get those three wins
Achievement unlocked: Went full retard
Git gud scrub or git rekt
[quote]IT'S NOT FAIR! PvP is so hard, Thorn Vex and TLW is running rampant and I can barely kill anyone with my Suros. Either Auto's need a serious buff, or Hand Canons need a serious Nerf! It's not fair, buying the game means that I have a right to experience all content! Bungie Plz... FIX THIS![/quote] I haven't reached the light house yet and still disagree with your statement, nagging and bitchin :-)
Errrrrrmm NO!!!
[quote]IT'S NOT FAIR! PvP is so hard, Thorn Vex and TLW is running rampant and I can barely kill anyone with my Suros. Either Auto's need a serious buff, or Hand Canons need a serious Nerf! It's not fair, buying the game means that I have a right to experience all content! Bungie Plz... FIX THIS![/quote] I haven't reached the light house yet and still disagree with your statement, nagging and bitchin :-)
Please tell me this is satire.... I have yet earned access to The Lighthouse, but I understand that it is only there for those who deserve it, and I will only deserve it when I go 9-0
What if OP went 9-0 on 3 characters. I mean, that would be very unlikely but I mean, nothing is impossible...
Edited by ArticularAlloy: 5/31/2015 10:54:10 PMNo, 6 would be more realistic. It will still be challenging for many, but it will give more players hope they can do it. 9 is a bit extreme.
Why 3 wins? If I win once I should go to lighthouse. Duh! I earned it...
You decided on using Suros. That's your own fault friend.
Haha no
Edited by Tri0nx: 5/31/2015 10:48:13 PM3 wins is too easy, it's supposed to feel earned not given.
3 wins? I understand your frustration but 3 wins is way too low. True I won't be in the lighthouse for a long LONG time but if it were to change, I'd only say at 9 wins regardless of Flawless
Seems like no one looked at ops profile...
Gr8 b8 m8
[quote] I can barely kill anyone with my Suros.[/quote] So switch weapons. [spoiler]Is this guy kidding?[/spoiler]
They just need to make it where once completed flawlessly, you can't do it again for that week. That way average players can get the rewards and play against people their own skill level. For the record I've had no problem owning kids in trials. Just noticing that a lot of people cannot get a good enough team together in order to get to Mercury. This is not a complaining response. Just a thought for bungie so that more players can reach the lighthouse because I'm tired of carrying some of my friends
After tonight...I'll never see the light house haha just handing people wins.....
This post. Wow. It can only go uphill from here, right? Hopefully?
Umm no. Way too easy. And that's coming from someone who has never even played ToO cuz I suck so bad at pvp
Edited by FireFaux487: 5/31/2015 5:50:15 AMWay too easy. The lighthouse isn't a handout. It needs to be earned. If everyone was that easily a led to get to the lighthouse, it would ruin it's meaning of existence. I haven't even played ToO yet, and I know this.
8-0 then 1 loss really pisses me off, I got all the Sht but still
Finally someone gets it, I'm so tired of Bungie's decisions with this game, are they even listening? Every time I finally scrounge a fire team for Trials I get RAMMED by all the OP weapons because no one can get their Thorns or Final Round snipers out of their a$$e$....